Communication, Media, and Fine Arts
AR101-01 | Introduction to Art: SYLLABUS
AR101-03 | Introduction to Art: SYLLABUS
AR102-01 | Studio for Non-Majors: SYLLABUS
AR102-04 | Studio for NON-Majors: SYLLABUS
AR103-01 | Drawing I: SYLLABUS
AR104-01 | Basic Design: SYLLABUS
AR208-01 | Basic Sculpture: SYLLABUS
AR220-01 | Basic Ceramics: SYLLABUS
AR240-01 | Computer Graphic Design: SYLLABUS
AR305-01 | INTMD Watercolor Painting: SYLLABUS
AR308-01 | Intermediate Sculpture: SYLLABUS
AR326-01 | Analysis of Specimen & Docume
CO106-01 | Intro to Mass Communication: SYLLABUS
CO106-02 | Intro to Mass Communication: SYLLABUS
CO210-10 | Fundamentals of Communication: SYLLABUS
CO210-11 | Fundamentals of Communication: SYLLABUS
CO226-01 | Media Writing: SYLLABUS
CO228-01 | Film and Television Criticism: SYLLABUS
Fine Arts
Division of English and Applied Linguistics
EN110-01 | Writing for Research: SYLLABUS
EN110-02 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-03 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-04 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-05 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-06 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-07 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-08 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-09 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-10 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-11 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-12 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-13 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-15 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-16 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-17 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-18 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-19 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-20 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-21 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-22 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-24 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN110-25 | Freshmen Composition: SYLLABUS
EN210-01 | Intro to Literature: SYLLABUS
EN210-02 | Intro to Literature: SYLLABUS
EN213-01 | Literature, Myth, and Culture: SYLLABUS
EN213-02 | Literature, Myth, and Culture
EN225-01 | Intro to Literary Criticism
EN311-01 | Creative Writing: Fiction: SYLLABUS
EN317-01 | American Literature
EN319-01 | Advanced Composition: SYLLABUS
EN323-01 | Literature by Women: SYLLABUS
EN333-01: Lit of Guam, Micronesia, and the Pacific: SYLLABUS
EN360-01 | Literary History: SF EPIC: SYLLABUS
EN460-01 | Literatures in English: SYLLABUS
AN101-01 | Introduction to Anthropology: SYLLABUS
AN101-02 | Introduction to Anthropology: SYLLABUS
AN101-03 | Introduction to Anthropology: SYLLABUS
AN203-01 | Intro to Archaeology: SYLLABUS
AN212-01 | Cultural Anthropology: SYLLABUS
AN234-01 | Linguistic Anthropology: SYLLABUS
American Sign Language
Chamoru Studies
CM101-01 | Elementary Chamoru I: SYLLABUS
CM101-02 | Elementary Chamoru I: SYLLABUS
CM102-01 | Elementary Chamoru II: SYLLABUS
CM110-01 | Intro to Chamoru Studies: SYLLABUS
CM210-01 | Chamoru Arts and Practices
CM301-01 | Advanced Chamoru I: Reading: SYLLABUS
CM340-01 | Chamoru Culture: SYLLABUS
CMED110-01 | Introduction to Teaching for the CHamoru Classroom: SYLLABUS
CMED225-01 | Issues in Language Revitalization: SYLLABUS
CMED498-01 | CHamoru Language Teaching and Learning: SYLLABUS
Critical Thinking
CT101-01 | Critical Thinking: SYLLABUS
CT101-02 | Critical Thinking: SYLLABUS
CT101-03 | Critical Thinking: SYLLABUS
CT101-04 | Critical Thinking: SYLLABUS
CT101-06 | Critical Thinking: SYLLABUS
CT101-07 | Critical Thinking: SYLLABUS
CT101-08 | Critical Thinking: SYLLABUS
CT101-09 | Critical Thinking: SYLLABUS
HI121-01 | World History I: SYLLABUS
HI122-01 | World History II: SYLLABUS
HI202-01 | Modern America: SYLLABUS
HI211-01 | History of Guam: SYLLABUS
HI211-02 | History of Guam: SYLLABUS
HI211-03 | History of Guam: SYLLABUS
HI243-01 | History of Micronesia: SYLLABUS
HI306-01 | Modern American Military History: SYLLABUS
HI308-01 | The Historians' Craft: SYLLABUS
HI313-01 | Research Methodologies in History: SYLLABUS
PI101-01 | Introduction to Philosophy: SYLLABUS
PI102-01 | Contemporary Ethical Problems: SYLLABUS
PI103-01 | Intro to Asian and Non-Western Philosophy: SYLLABUS
PI230-01 | Indigenous Philosophy: SYLLABUS
PI410-01 | Community Engaged Philosophy: SYLLABUS
PI481-01 | Capstone Seminar in Philosophy: SYLLABUS
Modern Languages
JA101-01 | Elementary Japanese I: SYLLABUS
JA101-30A | Elementary Japanese I: SYLLABUS
JA102-01 | Elementary Japanese II: SYLLABUS
JA201-01 | Intermediate Japanese I: SYLLABUS
KO101-01 | Elementary Korean I: SYLLABUS
KO101-02 | Elementary Korean I: SYLLABUS
Social and Behavioral Sciences
GE101-01 | Introduction to Geography: SYLLABUS
GE201-01 | World Regional Geography: SYLLABUS
Peer Mentoring
Political Science
PS101-01 | Intro to Gov't and Politics: SYLLABUS
PS202-01 | Government in the United States: SYLLABUS
PS202-02 | GOV'T in the United States
PS302-01 | Comparative Politics: SYLLABUS
PS304-01 | Politics of Asia: SYLLABUS
PS326-01 | Politcal Philosophy: SYLLABUS
PS394-01 | Future Politics: SYLLABUS
PS412-01 | Politics of Micronesia: SYLLABUS
PS420-01 | International Law: SYLLABUS
PY100-02 | Personal Adjustment: SYLLABUS
PY100-03 | General Psychology: SYLLABUS
PY100-04 | Personal Adjustment: SYLLABUS
PY101-01 | General Psychology: SYLLABUS
PY101-02 | General Psychology: SYLLABUS
PY201-01 | Child Development: SYLLABUS
PY210L-01 | Intro to Experimental Psychology Lab: SYLLABUS
PY210L-02 | Intro to Experimental Psychology lab: SYLLABUS
PY309-01 | History & Systems of Psychology: SYLLABUS
PY370-01 | Intro to Clinical Psychology: SYLLABUS
PY413-01 | Research Method in Behavioral Psychology: SYLLABUS
PY413L-01 | Research Methods in Behavioral Science Lab: SYLLABUS
PY420-01 | Abnormal Psychology: SYLLABUS
SO101-01 | Introduction to Sociology: SYLLABUS
SO101-02 | Introduction to Sociology: SYLLABUS
SO101-03 | Introduction to Sociology: SYLLABUS
SO101-04 | Introduction to Sociology: SYLLABUS
SO201-01 | Contemporary Society: SYLLABUS
SO202-01 | Contemporary Social Problems: SYLLABUS
SO203-01 | Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods: SYLLABUS
SO221-01 | Sociology of Health and Medicine: SYLLABUS
SO342-01 | Sociology of Sex and Gender: SYLLABUS
SO344-01 | Aging: Myth and Realities: SYLLABUS
SO350-01 | Development of Sociological Theories: SYLLABUS
SO411-01 | Social Issues in Micronesia and Guam: SYLLABUS
Women and Gender Studies