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Technical Reports
Marine Laboratory | Technical Reports
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172. KERR, A. M. 2025. Translation of and commentary on George H. Pólya's (1930) "Eine Wahrscheinlichkeitsaufgabe in der Pflanzensoziologie". 24 pages. (download)
171. HOUK, P., TAYLOR, B., TIBBATTS, B., GUTIERREZ, J., BIGGS, J. & SABLAN, L. 2024. Population assessments for 28 target coral-reef fishes on Guam based upon extensive fisheries dependent and fisheries-independent data sources. 42 pages. (download)
170. BURDICK, D., L. RAYMUNDO, D. DRAKE, & A. HERSHBERGER. 2023. A decade of change on Guam’s Coral Reefs. 128 pages. (download)
169. HOUK, P., D. BENAVENTE, & S. JOHNSON. 2022. Watershed-based Coral Reef Monitoring Across Tutuila, American Samoa: Summary of Decadal Trends and 2013 Assessment. 37 pages. (download)
168. RAYMUNDO, L.J., M.D. ANDERSEN, C. MORELAND-OCHOA, A. CASTRO, C. LOCK, N. BURNS, F. TAIJERON, D. COMBOSCH, & D. BURDICK. 2022. Conservation & Active Restoration of Guam’s Staghorn Acropora Corals. 49 pages. (download)
167. HERON, S.F., L. RAYMUNDO, W.V. SWEET, A. PAPA, C. MORELAND-OCHOA, & D.R. BURDICK. 2020. Predicting extreme tide events to inform shallow reef community restoration and managment in Guam. 29 pages. (download)
166. FABIAN, V.P. & A.G. FUJIMURA. 2020. Survey of Guam Benthic Habitats and Coral Health. 39 pages. (download)
165. KERR, A.M. Catalogue of the Fringing Islets of Guam, Mariana Islands. 2019. 20 pages. (download)
164. KERR, A.M. Illustrated field guide to the Argiope spiders (Araneidae) of the western Pacific islands, including a bibliography of web-decorating behavior in orb-weaving spiders. 2018. 53 pages. (download)
163. RAYMUNDO, L.J., B. GOLDSTEIN, D. BAKER, K. KIM, S. McILROY, P. THOMPSON, V. LAPACEK, N. DUPREY, J. CYBULSKI, C. LaROCHE, & N. GEERAERT. 2018. Atlas of the Nearshore Shallow Benthic Habitats within the Manell-Geus Habitat Focus Area. 63 pages. (download)
162. KERR, A. M., A.K. MILLER, C. BRUNSON, & A.M. GAWEL. 2017. Commercially Valuable Sea Cucumbers of Guam. 55 pages. (download)
161. RAYMUNDO, L.J. & A.M. KERR. 2015. Baseline Assessment of Coral Condition in Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park: Monitoring Sites and Grounding Sites. 20 pages. (download)
160. KERR, A. M. (ed.) 2015. Extracts concerning the Mariana Island species from Yoshio Kondo's (1955) A Revision of the Partulidae. 25 pages. (download)
159. MCCUTCHEON, A.L., RAYMUNDO, L.J., JENSON, J.W., PROUTY, N.G., LANDER, M.A. & RANDALL, R.H. 2015. Testing the Strontium/Calcium Proxy for Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction in the Coral Porites Lutea, in Guam, Micronesia. 99 pages. (download)
158. KERR, A. M. 2014. Survey of the Shallow-water Echinoderms of Nauru, Micronesia. 11 pages. (download)
157. KERR, A. M. 2014. Catalogue of the lichens of the Mariana Islands ex Elix & McCarthy's (2008) Checklist of Pacific Island Lichens. 48 pages. (download)
156. AMESBURY, S. S., D. GINSBURG, T. RONGO, L. KIRKENDALE & J. STARMER. 1999. War-in-the-Pacific National Historical Park Marine Biological Survey. 8 pages. (download)
155. KERR, A.M., S.W. KIM, & A.K. MILLER. 2014. The Shallow-water Echinoderms of Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia. iv + 15 pages. (download)
154. SMITH, B.D. 2013. Taxonomic inventories and assessments of terrestrial snails on the islands of Tinian and Aguiguan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana islands. iv + 32 pages. (download)
153. KERR, A. M. 2013. Estevan Rodriguez's (1565 in Academia Real 1886) La manera de su hablar, the first lexicon of the Chamorro language, Mariana Islands, Micronesia. 27 pages. (download)
152. KERR, A. M. 2013. The partulid tree snails (Partulidae: Stylommatophora) of the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. 21 pages. (download)
151. KERR, A. M. 2013. A Philology of 'όλοθούριον: From Ancient times to Linnaeus, including Middle- and Far-Eastern sources. 28 pages. (download)
150. KERR, A. M. 2013. Illustrated guide to the reptiles and amphibians of the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. 42 pages. (download)
149. KERR, A. M. 2013. Annotated checklist of the arachnids and myriapods of the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. 16 pages. (download)
148. KERR, A. M. & S. BAUMAN. 2013. Annotated checklist of the land snails of the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. 72 pages. (download)
147. KERR, A. M. 2013. Annotated checklist of the aquatic snails of the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. 16 pages. (download)
146. KERR, A. M. 2013. Herbert Ludwig's (1889-1892) 'Introduction' to Die Seewalzen. 48 pages. (download)
145. KERR, A. M. & S. W. Kim. 2013. Selected descriptions of sea cucumbers in the genus Bohadschia (Holothuriidae) by Cherbonnier, Jäger, Ludwig, Panning, Selenka and Semper. 39 pages. (download)
144. KERR, A. M. 2013. (Revised 2025). Selected original species descriptions of land snails from Guam, Mariana Islands, by Quoy & Gaimard (1832), Pfieffer (1857) and Quadras & Möllendorff (1894). 59 pages. (download)
143. KERR, A. M. 2013. Joseph Paul Gaimard's (1819 in Arago 1822) Vocabulaires de quelques-uns des Peuples que nous avons Visités: Chamorres ou Marianais. 51 pages. (download)
142. KERR, A. M. 2012. Lorenzo Hervás's (1794) Sopra i linguaggi delle Isole Marianne from his Catalogo delle Lingue Conoscuite e Notizia della Loro Affinità, e Diversità. 43 pages. (download)
141. RAYMUNDO, L.J., R. DIAZ, A. MILLER & T. REYNOLDS. 2011. Baseline Surveys of Proposed and Established Marine Sanctuaries on Bantayan Island, Northern Cebu. 64 pages. (download)
140. TAYLOR, B. M. and J. L. McILWAIN. 2012. Reproductive biology of Lethrinus harak on Guam. 34 pages. (download)
139. KERR, A. M. 2011. Fish Names of the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. 48 pages. (download)
138. SCHILS T., SCHUPP P., RAYMUNDO L.J., HALFORD A., CABALLES C., DEVILLERS A. & ROHDE S. 2011. Coral Reef Monitoring. Kilo Wharf Extension, Apra Harbor, Guam. 152 pages.
137. SUKHRAJ N.C., BROWN V., SCHILS T., COX E., KOLINSKI S., TENORIO M., MCKAGAN S., DEVILLERS A. & FOSTER K.B. 2010. Marine Resource Surveys of Pagan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (Volume II). Prepared for Headquarters, United States Marine Corps. 367 pages. (download)
136. SUKHRAJ N.C., BROWN V., SCHILS T., COX E., KOLINSKI S., TENORIO M., MCKAGAN S., DEVILLERS A. & FOSTER K.B. 2010. Marine Resource Surveys of Pagan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (Volume I). Prepared for Headquarters, United States Marine Corps. 115 pages. (download)
135. MINTON D., BURDICK D., DEN HAAN J., KOLINSKI S. & SCHILS T. 2009. Comparison of a photographic and an in situ method to assess the coral reef benthic community in Apra Harbor, Guam. Prepared for Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 48 pages. (download)
134. SCHILS T., SCHUPP P., STARMER J. & HALFORD A. 2009. Kilo Wharf Extension Project Preliminary Report. Phase I: Pre-Construction Biological Monitoring. Kilo Wharf, Apra Harbor, Guam. 85 pages.
133. MINTON D., BROWN V., DUGGER K., FLORES T., FOSTER K., HOUK P., IGUEL J., KESSLER C., KOLINSKI S., SCHILS T., STARMER J., SUHKRAJ N., TENORIO M. & TRIANNI M. 2009. Marine Resource Surveys of Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Volume I. 54 pages.
132. KERR, A. M. 2011. Fishing methods of the Mariana Islands, Micronesia. 44 pages. (download)
131. RAYMUNDO, L.J., K. KIM, J. REDDING, R. MILLER, K. PINKERTON & D. BAKER. 2011. Links between deteriorating coral health and sewage pollution of Guam reef flats. iii + 19 pages. (download)
130. KERR, A. M. 2010. Joseph Paul Gaimard's (1819 in d'Urville 1834) Vocabulaire de la langue des habitans de Guoaham. 37 pages. (download)
129. SMITH, B.D., T.J. DONALDSON, T. SCHILS, K. DUGGER, J. DEN HAAN, R. L. MYERS, L. CHAU, A. REYES, K. CHOP, & M. CHRISTY. 2009. Marine Monitoring at Orote and Haputo Ecological Reserve Areas. 66 pages. (download)
128. TAYLOR, B. M. 2010. Life-history and per-recruit assessment of Lethrinus obsoletus from Guam. 16 pages. (download)
127. KERR, A.M. 2009. Adelbert von Chamisso's (in Kotzebue 1821) Vocabularium der Dialekte Chamori. 87 pages. (download)
126. SMITH, B.D., T.J. DONALDSON, T. SCHILS, A. REYES, K. CHOP, & K. DUGGER. 2009. Marine Biological Survey of Inner Apra Harbor, Guam. iv + 41 pages. (download)
125. SMITH, B.D., R. COOPER-NURSE, & A.M. GAWEL. 2008. Survey of Endangered Tree Snails on Navy-Owned Lands in Guam. 22 pages. (download)
124. RANDALL, R.H. 2008. Holocene reef and beach development at Tumon Bay, Guam.
123. KERR, A.M., S. W. KIM & F. MICHONNEAU. 2008. The Shallow-water Echinoderms of Kosrae. iii + 27 pages. (download)
122. RAYMUNDO, L.J., A.P. MAYPA, P.T. ROJAS, JR & R. MYERS. 2008. Marine Protected Area Surveys of the Central Visayas, Philippines – 2007. 23 pages. (download)
121. KERR, A.M., K.H. NETCHY, & S.M. HOFFMAN. 2007. The Shallow-water Echinoderms of Yap. iv + 34 pages. (download)
120. RAYMUNDO, L.J., A.P. MAYPA, & P.L. CADIZ. 2006. Reef Rehabilitation Project of the Central Philippines. 13 pages. (download)
119. KERR, A.M., K. NETCHY, & A.M. GAWEL. 2006. Survey of the Shallow-Water Sea Cucumbers of the Central Philippines, 20 May to 20 June 2006. v + 51 pages. (download)
118. RAYMUNDO, L.J. A.P. MAYPA, K.B. ROSELL, P.L. CADIZ, & P.T. ROJAS, JR. 2006. A Survey of Coral Disease Prevalence in Marine Protected Areas and Fished Reefs of the Central Visayas, Philippines. 18 pages. (download)
117. DONALDSON, T.J., & T. RONGO. 2006. Coral Reef Investigations at the Guam National Wildlife Refuge, Ritidian Unit. vi + 54 pages. (download)
116. van BEUKERING P., W. HAIDER, M. LONGLAND, H. CESAR, J. SABLAN, S. SHJEGSTAD, B. BEARDMORE, Y. LIU, & G.O. GARCES. 2007. The Economic Value of Guam's Coral Reefs. xviii + 102 pages. (download)
115. SMITH, B.D., T.J. DONALDSON, A. EDWARD, & A.M. KERR. 2005. Marine Biological Survey of Coral Reef Communities at Dekehtik (Takatik) Island for the Proposed Pohnpei Airport Runway Extension Project. viii + 131 pages. (download)
114. BURDICK, D.R. 2005. Guam Coastal Atlas. 149 pages. (download)
113. PORTER V, T LEBERER, M GAWEL, J GUTIERREZ, D BURDICK, V TORRES, E LUJAN. 2005. Status of the Coral Reef Ecosystems of Guam. 69 pages. (download)
112. WILKINS, S.DeC., B.D. SMITH, & T.J. DONALDSON. 2005. Environmental Impact of the Cooling Water Intake Structure, Cabras Power Plant, Section 316b Study, Phase I, A Screening Analysis.
111. SMITH, B.D., S.DeC. WILKINS, & T.J. DONALDSON. 2005. Environmental Impact of the Cooling Water Intake Structure, Tanguisson Power Plant, Section 316b Study, Phase I, A Screening Analysis. vi + 62 pages. (download)
110. TSUDA, R.T. 2004. Coral reef bibliography of Guam, 1993–2004. iv + 33 pages. (download)
109. TSUDA, R.T., J.L. HOLBROOK, H.R. WOOD, T.J. DONALDSON, & B.D. SMITH. 2004. Biological and chemical survey of the lower Pago River, estuary, near-shore reef channel and adjacent inner reef flat, Pago Bay, Guam. vi + 63 pages + 9 plates. (download)
108. TSUDA, R.T., & T.J. DONALDSON. 2004. Cumulative and secondary impacts: Seawalker, Scuba Bob, and the Fish Eye Underwater Observatory, Piti and Cocos Lagoon, Guam. x + 85 pages + 6 plates + 4 appendices. (download)
107. TSUDA, R.T. 2003. Checklist and bibliography of the marine benthic algae from the Mariana Islands (Guam and CNMI). v + 49 pages. (download)
106. TSUDA, R.T. 2002. Checklist and bibliography of the marine benthic algae from the Marshall Islands. vi + 33 pages. (download)
105. TSUDA, R.T. 2002. Checklist and bibiography of the marine benthic algae from islands and atolls within Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia. v + 21 pages. (download)
104. TANG, F.J., & S.G. NELSON. 1998. Identification, control, and prevention of diseases on fish farms in Guam. 23 pages. (download)
103. NELSON, S.G., F.A. CAMACHO, J.E. PARHAM, R.B. TIBBATTS, T. LEBERER, & B.D. SMITH. 1996. Surveys of the macrofauna of the Nanpil Kiepw and Lehn Mesi Rivers of Pohnpei. 20 pages. (download)
102. AMESBURY, S.S., P.R. CHIRICHETTI, & J. DUTKA-GIANELLI. 1995. Andersen Air Force Base Marine Resources Preserve: Baseline Study of Marine Resources. 165 pages. (download)
101. RICHMOND, R.H., editor. 1996. Suggestions for the management of sea cucumber resources in Micronesia. 69 pages. (download)
100. NELSON, S.G., B.D. SMITH, J.E. PARHAM, B. TIBBATTS, & F. CAMACHO. 1995. A survey of the streamfishes of the upper reaches of the Ngermeskang River, Palau, with recommendations for conservation and monitoring. 32 pages. (download)
99. AMESBURY, S.S., R.T. TSUDA, R.H. RANDALL, A.M. KERR, & B.D. SMITH. 1993. Biological communities in Tumon Bay, 1977–1991. 111 pages. (download)
98. RANDALL, R.H., R.T. TSUDA, & R.G. BOWMAN. 1992. A reassessment of reef-building corals, an assessment of framework erosion, and a reassessment of marine benthic algae in the reef area affected by thermal effluent at Tanguisson Point, Guam. 45 pages + 107-page Appendix. (download)
97.NELSON, S.G., S.A. LOCK, & L.A. COLLINS. 1992. Growth of the rabbitfish Siganus randalli Woodland in relation to the feasibility of its culture on Guam. 30 pages. (download)
96. NELSON, S., & W. FITZGERALD, Jr. 1990. Development of aquaculture in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands—a feasibility study. 177 pages. (download)
95. BIRKELAND, C., R.H. RICHMOND, E.A. MATSON, P. HOLTHUS, & N.S. CONVARD. 1989. Visual surveys of the coastal marine communities of Babelthaup and Koror (Belau): Some implications for potential effects of proposed coastal zone developments. A cooperative study by East-West Center, SPREP, UOG Marine Laboratory, and the Environmental Quality Protection Board of the Government of Belau. 27 pages. (download)
94. BIRKELAND, C., & H. MANNER, editors. 1989. Resource survey of Ngerukewid Islands Wildlife Preserve, Republic of Palau. A report to the Government of Palau, the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, World Wildlife Fund, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. 192 pages. (download)
93. MATSON, E.A. 1990. Effects of the Agat, Agana, and Northern District wastewater effluents on receiving water quality and the effects of the Agat effluent on success of sea urchin egg fertilization. iv + 31 pages. (download)
92. NELSON, S.G., editor. 1989. The inland aquatic habitats of Yap. 78 pages. (download)
91. FITZGERALD, W.J., Jr. 1988. Analysis of the financial return from aquaculture under different culture systems in Guam: Decision making tool for management. 35 pages. (download)
90. RANDALL, R.H., S.D. ROGERS, E.E. IRISH, S.C. WILKINS, B.D. SMITH, & S.S. AMESBURY. 1988. A marine survey of the Obyan-Naftan reef area, Saipan, Mariana Islands. 62 pages. (download)
89. ELDREDGE, L.G. 1987. Preliminary catalog of described species of the genus Nerita (Gastropoda, Neritidae). 159 pages. (download)
88. SMITH, B.D., editor. 1988. Topic reviews in insular resource development in the Pacific U.S. affiliated islands. 146 pages. (download)
87. RANDALL, R.H., editor. 1987. A marine survey of the northern Tanapag reef platform, Saipan, Mariana Islands. 147 pages. (download)
86. BIRKELAND, C., R.H. RANDALL, R.C. WASS, B.D. SMITH, & S. WILKINS. 1987. Biological resource assessment of the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary. (also NOAA Technical Memorandum, NOS MEMD 3). 229 pages. (download)
85. LEITH, A., S. NELSON, & P. GATES. 1984. Mass mortality of Oreochromis mossambicus (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Fena Lake, Guam associated with a Pseudomonas infection. 19 pages. (download)
84. MYERS, R.F., P. CALLAGHAN, & W.J. FITZGERALD, Jr. 1983. Market for fresh or frozen whole fish on Guam. 50 pages. (download)
83. ELDREDGE, L.G. 1983. Summary of environmental and fishing information on Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: Historical background, description of the islands, and review of the climate, oceanography, and submarine topography. (NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFC-40). 181 pages. (download)
82. ELDREDGE, L.G. 1983. Mariana's active arc: A bibliography. 19 pages. (download)
81. AMESBURY, S.S., R.N. CLAYSHULTE, G.R. GRIMM, & G. PLUCER-ROSARIO. 1982. Biological monitoring study of airport runway expansion site, Moen, Truk, Eastern Caroline Islands. 60 pages. (download)
80. RANDALL, R.H., & T.S. SHERWOOD, editors. 1982. Resurvey of Cocos Lagoon, Guam, Territory of Guam. 103 pages. (download)
79. RANDALL, R.H., & L.G. ELDREDGE, editors. 1982. Assessment of the shoalwater environments in the vicinity of the proposed OTEC development at Cabras Island, Guam. 212 pages. (download)
78. STRONG, R.D., R.H. RANDALL, T.L. SMALLEY, B. BUMOON, & O. BOWOO. 1982. Environmental assessment for proposed dredging operations in Yap Lagoon. 88 pages. (download)
77. NELSON, S.G., & F.A. CUSHING. 1982. Survey of a brackish lake on Pulusuk with regard to its potential for fish culture. 19 pages. (download)
76. COLGAN, M.W. 1981. Long-term recovery processes of a coral community after a catastrophic disturbance. 69 pages. (download)
75. BEST, B.R., & C.E. DAVIDSON. 1981. Inventory and atlas of the inland aquatic ecosystems of the Marianas Archipelago. 226 pages. (download)
74. AMESBURY, S.S., M.W. COLGAN, R.F. MYERS, R.K. KROPP, & F.A. CUSHING. 1981. Biological monitoring study of airport runway expansion site, Moen, Truk, Eastern Caroline Islands Part B: Construction Phase. 125 pages. (download)
73. ELDREDGE, L.G., & R.K. KROPP. 1981. Selected bibliography of the physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic literature for the waters surrounding Guam. 22 pages. (download)
72. BEST, B.R. 1981. Bibliography of inland aquatic ecosystems of the Marianas Archipelago. 64 pages. (download)
71. NELSON, S.G., & R.N. TSUTSUI. 1981. Ammonium uptake by Micronesian species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta). 13 pages. (download)
70. MARINE LABORATORY. 1981. A working list of marine organisms from Guam. 88 pages. (download)
69. RAULERSON, L., editor. 1981. Plant biogeography of Guam. 138 pages. (download)
68. BEST, B.R., D.B. MATLOCK, J.A. MARSH, Jr., & R.D. BRALEY. 1981. Toxicity bioassay for the Piti Power Plant, Guam M.I. on the effects of total residual chlorine on the early life stages of selected tropical marine species. 58 pages. (download)
67. NELSON, S.G., & R.K. KROPP. 1981. Ammonia excretion by the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lar in relation to diet. (also AES, CALS Technical Report 18). 5 pages. (download)
66. AMESBURY, S.S. 1980. Biological studies on the coconut crab (Birgus latro) in the Mariana Islands. (also AES, CALS Technical Report 17). 39 pages. (download)
65. CALLAGHAN, P., & B. SIMMONS. 1980. An analysis of tuna transshipment at the Commercial Port of Guam. 104 pages. (download)
64. ROWLEY, D.M. 1980. Analysis of biofouling communities on settling plates at the proposed ocean thermal energy conversion site off Guam. 89 pages. (download)
63. ELDREDGE, L.G., B.R. BEST, M.I. CHERNIN, R.K. KROPP, R.F. MYERS, & T.L. SMALLEY. 1979. Marine environmental survey of Okat, Kosrae. 101 pages. (download)
62. BIRKELAND, C., editor. 1980. Marine biological survey of northern Ponape Lagoon. 102 pages. (download)
61. NELSON, S.G., R.N. TSUTSUI, & B.R. BEST. 1980. Evaluation of seaweed mariculture potential on Guam: I. Ammonium uptake by and growth of two species of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta). 20 pages. (download)
60. BIRKELAND, C., R.H. RANDALL, & G. GRIMM. 1979. Three methods of coral transplantation for the purpose of reestablishing a coral community in the thermal effluent area at the Tanguisson Power Plant. 24 pages. (download)
59. JENNISON-NOLAN, J. 1979. Guam's changing pattern of coastal and marine exploitation. (also Sea Grant Publication UGSG 79-12). 62 pages. (download)
58. EDWARDS, F.J. 1979. A Guam book of seafood recipes. 64 pages.
57. ELDREDGE, L.G. 1979. Marine biological resources within the Guam seashore study area and the War in the Pacific National Historical Park. 75 pages. (download)
56. NELSON, S.G., B. SMITH, & B. BEST. 1980. Nitrogen uptake by tropical freshwater macrophytes. 21 pages. (download)
55. RANDALL, R.H. 1979. Geologic features within the Guam seashore study area. 53 pages. (download)
54. AMESBURY, S.S., R.F. MYERS, F.A. CUSHING, R.K. SAKAMOTO, & J.R. EADS. 1979. The fishery potential of a deep-set fish weir on Guam. 24 pages. (download)
53. LASSUY, D.R. 1979. Oceanographic conditions in the vicinity of Cabras Island and Glass Breakwater for the potential development of ocean thermal conversion on Guam. 30 pages. (download)
52. AMESBURY, S.S., D.R. LASSUY, R.F. MYERS, & V. TYNDZIK. 1979. A survey of the fish resources of Saipan Lagoon. 85 pages. (download)
51. AMESBURY, S.S., R.N. CLAYSHULTE, T.A. DETERMAN, S.E. HEDLUND, & J.R. EADS. 1978. Environmental monitoring study of airport runway expansion site, Moen, Truk, Eastern Caroline Islands. Part I: Baseline study. 86 pages. (download)
50. CLAYSHULTE, R.N., J.A. MARSH, Jr., R.H. RANDALL, J.O. STOJKOVICH, & M.E. MOLINA. 1978. Limited current and underwater biological survey at the proposed fishery complex site on Tol Island, Truk. 117 pages. (download)
49. AMESBURY, S.S. 1978. Studies on the biology of the reef fishes of Guam, Part I: Distribution of fishes on the reef flats of Guam. Part II: Distribution of eggs and larvae of fishes at selected sites on Guam. 65 pages. (download)
48. RANDALL, R.H., editor. 1978. Guam's reefs and beaches: Part II: Transect studies. 90 pages.
47. RANDALL, R.H., & C. BIRKELAND. 1978. Guam's reefs and beaches: Part II: Sedimentation studies at Fouha Bay and Ylig Bay. 77 pages. (download)
46. TSUDA, R.T., M.I. CHERNIN, J.O. STOJKOVICH, D.R. LASSUY, & B.D. SMITH. 1978. Marine environmental studies of selected sewer outfall sites in the Yap Central Islands and on Falalop Island, Ulithi Atoll, Yap Outer Islands. 101 pages. (download)
45. TSUDA, R.T., editor. 1978. Marine biological survey of Yap lagoon. 162 pages. (download)
44. RANDALL, R.H., C. BIRKELAND, S.S. AMESBURY, D. LASSUY, & J.R. EADS. 1978. Marine survey of a proposed resort site at Arakabesan Island, Palau. 73 pages. (download)
43. ELDREDGE, L.G., R.T. TSUDA, P. MOORE, M. CHERNIN, & S. NEUDECKER. 1977. A natural history of Maug, Northern Mariana Islands. 87 pages. (download)
42. TSUDA, R.T., & D.A. GROSENBAUGH. 1977. Agat sewage treatment plant: Impact of secondary treated effluent on Guam coastal waters. (WRRC Technical Report 3). 39 pages. (download)
41. NEUDECKER, S. 1977. Development and environmental quality of coral reef communities near the Tanguisson Power Plant. 68 pages. (download)
40. STOJKOVICH, J.O. 1977. Survey and species inventory of representative pristine marine communities on Guam. 183 pages. (download)
39. CHERNIN, M.I., D.R. LASSUY, R.E. DICKINSON, & J.W. SHEPARD. 1977. Marine reconnaissance survey of proposed sites for a small boat harbor in Agat Bay, Guam. 54 pages. (download)
38. MARSH, J.A., Jr., M.I. CHERNIN, & J.E. DOTY. 1977. Power plants and the marine environment in Piti Bay and Piti Channel, Guam: 1976–77 observations and general summary. 93 pages. (download)
37. HEDLUND, S.E. 1977. The extent of coral, shell, and algal harvesting in Guam waters. 34 pages. (download)
36. AMESBURY, S.S., J.A. MARSH, Jr., R.H. RANDALL, & J.O. STOJKOVICH. 1977. Limited current and underwater biological survey of proposed Truk tuna fishery complex, Dublon Island, Truk. 49 pages. (download)
35.AMESBURY, S.S., R.T. TSUDA, R.H. RANDALL, & C.E. BIRKELAND. 1977. Marine biological survey of the proposed dock site at Colonia, Yap. 22 pages. (download)
34. AMESBURY, S.S., C. BIRKELAND, M. CHERNIN, R. CLAYSHULTE, F. CUSHING, J. DAY, R. DICKINSON, J. EADS, L.G. ELDREDGE, D. HAMEL, S. HEDLUND, L. KOCK, J.A. MARSH, Jr., C. NEUBAUER, S. NEUDECKER, R.H. RANDALL, & R.T. TSUDA. 1977. Marine environmental baseline report, Commercial Port, Apra Harbor, Guam. 96 pages. (download)
33. DOTY, J.E., & J.A. MARSH, Jr. 1977. Marine survey of Tanapag Harbor, Saipan: The power barge Impedance. 147 pages. (download)
32. ELDREDGE, L.G. 1977. Japanese translations available at the Micronesian Area Research Center. (also USGS Sea Grant Publication 79-09). 26 pages. (download)
31. ELDREDGE, L.G., R. DICKINSON, & S. MORAS. 1977. Marine survey of Agat Bay. 251 pages. (download)
30. NEUDECKER, S. 1976. Effects of thermal effluent on the coral reef community at Tanguisson. 55 pages. (download)
29. TSUDA, R.T., W.T. TOBIAS, P.G. BRYAN, W.J. FITZGERALD, Jr., H.T. KAMI, & I.I. IKEHARA. 1976. Studies on the genus Siganus (rabbitfish) in Guam waters. (also Sea Grant Publication UGSG 76-05). 93 pages. (download)
28. JONES, R.S., R.H. RANDALL, & M.J. WILDER. 1976. Biological impact caused by changes on a tropical reef. (also EPA-600/3-76-027). 209 pages. (download)
27. ROTH, A. 1976. Preliminary checklist of the gastropods of Guam. (also Sea Grant Publication UGSG 76-03). 99 pages. (download)
26. MARSH, J.A., Jr., & J.E. DOTY. 1976. The influence of power plant operations on the marine environment in Piti Channel, Guam: 1975–76 observations. 57 pages. (download)
25. BIRKELAND, C., R.T. TSUDA, R.H. RANDALL, S.S. AMESBURY, & F. CUSHING. 1976. Limited current and underwater biological surveys of a proposed sewer outfall site on Malakal Island, Palau. 59 pages. (download)
24. AMESBURY, S.S., R.T. TSUDA, R.H. RANDALL, C.E. BIRKELAND, & F. CUSHING. 1976. Limited current and underwater biological survey of the Donitsch Island sewer outfall site, Yap, Western Caroline Islands. 49 pages (download)
23. AMESBURY, S.S., R.T. TSUDA, W.J. ZOLAN, & T.L. TANSY. 1975. Limited current and underwater biological surveys of proposed sewer outfall sites in the Marshall Island District. Darrit-Uliga-Dalap Area, Majuro Atoll. 30 pages. (download)
22. AMESBURY, S.S., R.T. TSUDA, W.J. ZOLAN, & T.L. TANSY. 1975. Limited current and underwater biological surveys of proposed sewer outfall sites in the Marshall Islands District. Ebeye, Kwajalein Atoll. 30 pages. (download)
21. MARSH, J.A., Jr., & J.E. DOTY. 1975. Power plants and the marine environment: Additional observations in Piti Bay and Piti Channel, Guam. 44 pages. (download)
20. TSUDA, R.T., S.S. AMESBURY, S.C. MORAS, & P.P. BEEMAN. 1975. Limited current and underwater biological survey at the Point Gabert wastewater outfall on Moen, Truk. 39 pages. (download)
19. DICKINSON, R.E., & R.T. TSUDA. 1975. A candidate marine environmental impact survey for the potential development of the Uruno Point reef area on Guam, Mariana Islands. 50 pages. (download)
18. GRIGG, R.W., & L.G. ELDREDGE. 1975. The commercial potential of precious corals in Micronesia. Part I: The Mariana Islands. (also Sea Grant Publication UGSG 75-01). 16 pages. (download)
17. RANDALL, R.H., R.T. TSUDA, R.S. JONES, M.J. GAWEL, J.A. CHASE, & R. RECHEBEI. 1975. Marine biological survey of the Cocos barrier reef and enclosed lagoon. 160 pages. (download)
16. KAMI, H.T., N. DRAHOS, R.J. LUJAN, & J.J. JEFFREY. 1974. Biological study of the Geus River Basin. 22 pages. (download)
15. TSUDA, R.T., R.H. RANDALL, & J.H. CHASE. 1974. Limited current and biological study in the Tuanmokot Channel, Ponape. 58 pages. (download)
14. RANDALL, R.H. & J.H. HOLLOMAN. 1974. Coastal survey of Guam. 404 pages. (download)
13. RANDALL, R.H. 1974. Talofofo Bay coastal survey. 77 pages. (download)
12. RANDALL, R.H., R.T. TSUDA, M. GAWEL, R. RECHEBEI, & J. CHASE. 1974. Field ecological survey of the Agana-Chaot River Basin. 64 pages. (download)
11. JONES, R.S., R.H. RANDALL, & R.D. STRONG. 1974. An investigation of the biological and oceanographic suitability of Toguan Bay, Guam as a potential site for an ocean outfall. 97 pages. (download)
10. JONES, R.S. & H.K. LARSON. 1974. A key to the families of fishes as recorded from Guam. 48 pages. (download)
9. JONES, R.S., R.H. RANDALL, & R.T. TSUDA. 1974. A candidate marine environmental impact survey for potential U.S. military projects on Tinian Island, Mariana Islands. 143 pages. (download)
8. MARSH, J.A. Jr. & G.D. GORDON. 1974. Marine environmental effects of dredging and power-plant construction in Piti Bay and Piti Channel, Guam. 56 pages. (download)
7.JONES, R.S. & R.H. RANDALL. 1973. A study of biological impact caused by natural and man-induced changes on a tropical reef. 184 pages. (download)
6. MARSH, J.A. Jr. & G.D. GORDON. 1973. A thermal study of Piti Channel, Guam, and adjacent areas, and the influence of power plant operations on the marine environment. 51 pages. (download)
5. YAMAGUCHI, M. 1972. Preliminary report on a plankton survey in Palau, December 1971 to January 1972. 14 pages. (download)
4. BRYAN, P.G. 1972. The inshore sharks of Guam: Methods of small-boat shark fishing. 23 pages. (download)
3. TSUDA, R.T. (Compiler). 1972. Proceedings of the University of Guam – Trust Territory Acanthaster planci (crown-of-thorns starfish) Workshop. 36 pages. (download)
2. TSUDA, R.T. (Compiler). 1971. Status of Acanthaster planci and coral reefs in the Mariana and Caroline Islands, June 1970 to May 1971. 127 pages. (download)
1. JONES, R.S. and R.H. RANDALL. 1971. An annual cycle study of biological, chemical and oceanographic phenomena associated with the Agana ocean outfall. 67 pages. (download)
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