Taiguini Books publishes cultural and indigenous literature for adults and children, with the goal of capturing and preserving the eloquence and depth of the dynamic Micronesian storytelling tradition in written form.
In partnership with Guam’s Festival of the Pacific Arts Kumitehan Fina’che’cho’ Lepblon Famagu’on gi i Fino’ Natibu Siha, in the summer of 2016, Taiguini Books published four children’s books written in the CHamoru language. The books highlight the beauty and depth of the CHamoru language and culture and explore the roles of family, nature, and interconnectedness in shaping CHamoru children.
Taiguini Books is committed to expanding its collection of cultural literature to include novels, collections of short stories, poetry, and children’s books written about and for the people of Micronesia. If you or anyone you know is interested in publishing cultural literature, please see our submission guidelines.
Dolores Barcinas Santos
Jessica Perez-Jackson
CHamoru ancestors in the Mariana Islands marked time using the phases of the moon and the important seasons in their lives. Months were named to describe seasonal weather and the best times to fish, plant, and harvest food. Just like their ancestors, the Barcinas girls – Lole’, Lia, Rita, Arisa, and Ha’åne’ – mark time using the seasons of their beautiful village of Malesso’ in southern Guam. 13 Months in Malesso' captures a distinctly CHamoru sense of time and place, and beautifully illustrates the many ways in which the island of Guam nourishes and sustains its people.