RCUOG | Resolutions
RCUOG | Resolutions
Board of Regents Resolutions
- RCUOG Resolution No. 24-01 Relative to Amending the Employee Handbook and Policy Manual
- RCUOG Resolution No. 24-02 Relative to Amending the Student Hiring Policy and Procedures
- RCUOG Resolution No. 24-03 Relative to Adopting the Relocation Expenses Policy
- RCUOG Resolution No. 24-04 Relative to Adopting the Operating Agreement Between the Research Corporation of the University of Guam and the University of Guam
- RCUOG Resolution No. 24-05 Relative to Amending Authorization to Open or Close Bank Accounts or Credit Facilities
- RCUOG Resolution No. 24-06 Relative to Approving the Fiscal Year 2026 Operations Budget
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-01 Relative to Amending the RCUOG Nursing Pay Grade
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-02 Relative to Authorizing a No Pets at Work Policy
- RCUOG No. 23-04 Relative to Approving Investments in Short Term Certificate Deposits at Insured Financial Institutions and Investment Firms
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-05 Relative to Adopting the Government of Guam General Pay Plan 2023
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-06 Relative to Amending the RCUOG Position Titles and Wage Grades and Studet Position Titles and Wage Grades
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-07 Relative to Amending the Administrator Salary Scale and List of Administrator Positions
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-08 Relative to Approving the FY 2023 Reserve Expenditure Plan
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-09 Relative to Approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Operations Budget
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-10 Relative to Amending the RCUOG Travel Policy
- RCUOG Resolution No. 23-11 Relative to Adopting RCUOG's Financial Commitment to Support Construction of the WERI Building and Nursing Annex
- RCUOG Resolution No. 22-01 Relative to Approving the Reserve Distribution Policy
- RCUOG Resolution No. 22-02 Relative to Amending Authorization to Open or Close Bank Accounts or Credit Facilities
- RCUOG Resolution No. 22-03 Relative to Amending the RCUOG Travel Policy
- RCUOG Resolution No. 22-04 Relative to Amending the RCUOG Travel Policy
- RCUOG Resolution No. 22-05 Relative to Approving the Fiscal Year 2024 Operations Budget
- RCUOG Resolution No. 22-06 Relative to Approving the Reserve Expenditure Plan for FY2022 Reserves
- RCUOG Resolution No. 21-01 Relative to Approving the RCUOG FY2022 Budget
- RCUOG Resolution No. 21-02 Relative to Amending the RCUOG Procurement Policy
- RCUOG Resolution No. 21-03 Relative to Amending the Employee Handbook and Policy Manual
- RCUOG Resolution No. 21-04 Relative to Amending the Chief Business Officer Position Description
- RCUOG Resolution No. 21-05 Relative to Approving the Fiscal Year 2023 Operations Budget
- RCUOG Resolution No. 21-06 Relative to Approving Reserve Expenditures to Support the WERI Research Facility and Nursing Annex Building Construction Project
- RCUOG Resolution 20-01 Relative to Approving Conducting Board of Directors Meetings via Video Teleconference
- RCUOG Resolution 20-02 Relative to Approving a FY 2020 to FY 2021 One-Time Roll-Over of up to 160 Hours Each of Accrued Annual Leave and Sick Leave Due to COVID-19
- RCUOG Resolution 20-03 Relative to Amending the Chief Business Officer Position Description
- RCUOG Resolution 20-04 Relative to Amending the Delegation of Authority
- RCUOG Resolution 20-05 Relative to Amending the Credit Card Threshold for RCUOG Purchase Cards
- RCUOG Resolution 20-06 Relative to Amending the RCUOG Position Titles and Wage Grades and Student Position Titles and Wage Grades
- RCUOG Resolution 20-07 Relative to Amending the RCUOG General Pay Plan
- RCUOG Resolution 19-01 Relative To Approving The RCUOG FY2020 Operations Budget
- RCUOG Resolution 19-02 Relative To Approving The Schedule Adjustment, Overtime, and Compensatory Time Off Policy
- RCUOG Resolution 19-03 Relative to Amending the Salary Increments and Employee Evaluation Policy to Allow for Annual Increments Through Step 18
- RCUOG Resolution 19-05 Relative to Authorizing the Chairperson to Establish a Committee to Negotiate and Execute a Public-Private Partnership and Lease for the Guam Aquaculture and Development Center
- RCUOG Resolution 19-06 Relative to Authorizing the Opening or Closing of Bank Accounts or Credit Facilities
- RCUOG Resolution 19-07 Relative to Amending Authorization to Open or Close Bank Accounts or Credit Facilities
- RCUOG Resolution 19-08 Relative to Adopting the Operating Agreement Between the Research Corporation of the University of Guam and the University of Guam
- RCUOG Resolution 19-09 Relative to Amending the Administrative Fee Structure
- RCUOG Resolution 19-10 Relative to Amending Authorization to Open Or Close Bank Accounts or Credit Facilities
- RCUOG Resolution 19-11 Relative to Approving a Lease Agreement and Public Private Partnership for the Guam Aquaculture Development and Training Center
- RCUOG Resolution 19-12 Relative to Adopting the RCUOG FY 2021 Operations Budget
- RCUOG Resolution 18-01 Relative To Approving An Incentive For RCUOG Employees Who Earn An Accounting Certification.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 18-02 Relative To Approving Maximum 3% Employer Match For Full-Time Employees Who Contribute To A 403(B).pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 18-03 Relative To Approving Short-Term Contract To Fill The Director Position For RCUOG.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 18-04 Relative To Approving A Reasonable Reserve Threshold and Investment in Short Term Certificate Deposits
- RCUOG Resolution 18-05 Relative To Amending the RCUOG Procurement Policy to Align the Federal Micro-Purchase and Small Purchase Thresholds
- RCUOG Resolution 18-06 Relative to Amending Authorization to Open or Close Bank Accounts or Credit Facilities
- RCUOG Resolution 17-01 Relative to Amending the Leave Attendance and Absenteeism Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 17-02 FY2018 Operations Budget.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 17-03 Records Retention Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 17-04 Purchase Cards.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 17-05 Time and Effort Reporting.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution No. 17-06 Amending Travel Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution No. 17-07 Open or Close Bank Accounts.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 17-08 Operations Budget.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 17-09 Administrator Salary Scale and Positions.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 16-01 FY2017 Operations Budget.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 16-02 Approving Sexual Misconduct Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 16-03 Amending Student Employment Policy and Procedures.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 16-04 Procurement Policy Micropurchase.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 16-05 Accrued Airline Mileage Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-01 Contract Fee.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-02 Amendment to Student Hiring Policy and Procedures.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-03 Amending Hiring Policy in the Employee Handbook and Policy Manual.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-04 Approving RCUOG FY2016 Operations Budget.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15_05 Bank Accounts.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-06 Credit Card Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-07 Amending the Safety Security Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-08 Stipend and Honoraria Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-09 Amending FY2016 Operations Budget.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-10 Amending Leave Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-11 Letter of Credit.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 15-12 Amending Procurement Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-01 Articles ByLaws.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-02 Operating Agreement.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-03 Adopting The RCUOG FY2014 and FY2015 Budget.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-04 Adopting The RCUOG Student Hiring Policy and Procedures.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-05 Travel Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-06 Administrator Salary Scale.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-07 Delegation of Authority.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-08 Procurement Policy.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-09 Employee_Handbook.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-10 Employee Positions & Salary Scale.pdf
- RCUOG Resolution 14-11 Amending RCUOG Student Employment Hiring Policy and Procedures.pdf