Assessment Reports and Activities
To highlight specific examples of excellence in assessment and the use of evidence to improve academic quality in the AQ essay for our self-study the following are provided by the schools or colleges to identify three to five assessment activities, results of which contributed or produced a change in degree programs, teaching methods or pedagogy. These identify activities that are outstanding examples of using assessment to improve academic quality.
This review is an analysis of all of the recommendations that come out of the program review process. Recommendations to faculty, the program, the College/School, etc, should be included in the review. The goal of this process is to provide evidence that the recommendations are presented in the appropriate venue and acted on (funded, courses revised, assessment plan completed, etc) or at least considered by an oversight body (AAC, UPBAC, Senate, etc). This then provides us with a mechanism to report the outcomes and track any implementation of these recommendations.
*not included in the Summary Report 2008