Assessment and Program Review

Assessment and Program Review

Assessment and Program Review

Assessment and Program Review

The University of Guam is committed to the assessment of all the academic, administrative and co-curricular services, which it provides for its stakeholders. Assessment denotes the continuous collection of data concerning the effectiveness of services in achieving their stated short-term and long-term goals. This commitment to assessment also applies to research, outreach projects and auxiliary services. The University accepts the responsibility for clarifying and communicating the University's goals and for using its resources to enable stakeholders to achieve their goals. When assessment reveals that goals are not being met or are no longer meeting stakeholders' needs with reasonable success, improvements will be made in the way the University prioritizes and provides those services so as to increase to acceptable levels their effectiveness and value to its stakeholders.


  • UOG Expected Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

    (Faculty Senate-Endorsed Core Statements and Clarifying Statements Added April 2015)

    A University of Guam student will have demonstrated upon completion of any degree:
    • Mastery of critical thinking and problem solving
      • Core statement: Frame a complex scientific, social, technological, economic or aesthetic challenge or problem and propose a “best approach” to the question or challenge using evidence;  explain how the methods of inquiry and research can be brought to bear, judge the likelihood that perspectives and methods would contribute to the resolution of a challenge, and justify the importance of the challenge in a social or global context.
    • Mastery of quantitative analysis
      • Core Statement: Express familiarity with basic mathematical concepts & methods, utilize numeric skills to interpret and process quantitative data, identify and classify functions by properties and applications areas, and present, visualize and solve problems using mathematical concepts and skills.
    • Effective oral and written  communication
      • Core statement: Express ideas and facts to others effectively in a range of settings and in a variety of formats, particularly written, oral, and visual formats
    • Understanding and appreciation of  culturally diverse people, ideas and values in a democratic context
      • Core statement: Show an understanding of core values of adaptation, tolerance and cultural respect to be able to work effectively with diverse groups in forging harmonious community relations, in developing and administering public policies, and resolving conflicts.
    • Responsible use of knowledge, natural resources, and technology
      • Core statement: Evaluate informed and responsible action to address ethical, social, and environmental challenges in global systems and evaluates the local and broader consequences of individual and collective interventions.
    • An appreciation of the arts and sciences
      • Core Statement: Appreciate forms of creative human expression by observing, organizing, and evaluate data (information); making informed judgments about the past; recognizing and describing the significance of a particular artistic object, work, or experience; identifying many forms of creative works of art and human expression; beginning to understand the artistic languages of the performing and visual arts by recognizing common terms, techniques, and methods of expression; and engaging in creative expression through artistic activity.
    • An interest in personal development and lifelong learning
      • Core Statement:Using skills from information literacy (i.e. constructing a problem statement, locating and gathering sources, evaluating sources) students will articulate perspectives about educational and life experiences which provide foundation for expanded knowledge, growth, and maturity over time.

    Click below to view or download the complete document of Clarifying Statements with Examples.

    Clarifying Statements and Examples

Assessment Templates

 Institutionalizing Assessment - Annual Inventory

Nuventive Improve (TracDat) Assessment Reporting Database System

Program Review Self Study

University regulations require that every academic major program be reviewed on a regularly scheduled basis every five years. For this review each major program prepares a self study of the curriculum, student outcomes, and supporting areas such as the library and registrar’s office. These self studies are to conform to a common format and utilize data for program planning and evaluation supplied by the University Assessment Office.


Assessing Core Competencies


Click here for information about the University Assessment Committee (UAC).

Click here for reference materials and the University Assessment Guidebook

Link to Student Achievement Page