Assessment and Program Review
The University of Guam is committed to the assessment of all the academic, administrative and co-curricular services, which it provides for its stakeholders. Assessment denotes the continuous collection of data concerning the effectiveness of services in achieving their stated short-term and long-term goals. This commitment to assessment also applies to research, outreach projects and auxiliary services. The University accepts the responsibility for clarifying and communicating the University's goals and for using its resources to enable stakeholders to achieve their goals. When assessment reveals that goals are not being met or are no longer meeting stakeholders' needs with reasonable success, improvements will be made in the way the University prioritizes and provides those services so as to increase to acceptable levels their effectiveness and value to its stakeholders.
(Faculty Senate-Endorsed Core Statements and Clarifying Statements Added April 2015)
Click below to view or download the complete document of Clarifying Statements with Examples.
Clarifying Statements and Examples
University regulations require that every academic major program be reviewed on a regularly scheduled basis every five years. For this review each major program prepares a self study of the curriculum, student outcomes, and supporting areas such as the library and registrar’s office. These self studies are to conform to a common format and utilize data for program planning and evaluation supplied by the University Assessment Office.
Click here for information about the University Assessment Committee (UAC).
Click here for reference materials and the University Assessment Guidebook