College of Natural & Applied Sciences
The physical science major is designed to prepare students for: (1) teaching physical science, including earth science, in secondary schools, (2) transfer to a geology, astronomy, or physics undergraduate major at another college, and (3) graduate study in geology, earth sciences or science eduation.
The curriculum emphasizes a strong lower division mathematics - chemistry - physics - biology core with computer training. Earth science courses, including geology, astronomy, meteorology, and oceanography, are offered at both lower and upper division levels and will involve substantial field and/or laboratory work on Guam and offshore. A variety of required upper division electives drawn from the sciences, mathematics, and other fields and selected to meet individual student interests are available in the junior and senior years. A senior thesis permits students to undertake research in an area of their own choosing. Additional free electives and general education requirements complete the curriculum.
Students who choose the program to become physical science teachers will need to take sufficient education courses through the College of Education for teacher certification.
For more information contact:
Chu-tak Tseng at