Fifteen Guam residents attended UOG's first-ever Food Safety & Meat Processing Workshop.
More...The inventor of the first fully automated zero-waste aquaponics system visited Guam in December.
More...A mango orchard and two new guidebooks are ready to help improve mango production in Guam.
More...UOG press receives competitive poetry grant toward supporting CHamoru poets
More...UOG studies about biochar were presented at a symposium at the largest national university in Okinawa, Japan recently.
More...Dean Sellmann talks about the climate crisis and the indigenous ecological thinking in the Pacific, in the latest issue of Synkrētic
More...UOG Sea Grant offers workshop on off-grid aquaculture
More...Real estate developer Michael Z. Ysrael to speak at SBPA Dean's Lecture Series
More...UOG graduate students are invited to a webinar about the John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship opportunity