Thirty-two students from Kyoto Kameoka High School visited the Marine Laboratory in November.
More...Kameda Medical University and UOG students engaged in a cultural exchange over video chat.
More...This hilarious dark comedy by Joseph Kesselring set in 1940s New York will open on Nov. 21 at the UOG Fine Arts Theatre.
More...Breakthrough took three of four sets against the UOG Tridents club team on Monday night, bringing the Tridents' season to an end.
More...The Triton Men's Basketball Team took a single-point win over the FSAG All-Stars on Sunday with a 3-point shot made at the last second.
More...Six local food retailers have pledged to promote healthy food and physical activity in a total of 13 store locations over the next year by taking the 5-2-1-Almost None Pledge in October.
More...Visiting linguist and CHamoru grammar expert Dr. Sandra Chung offered a preview of her upcoming CHamoru grammar reference book in a presentation on Nov. 5.
More...More than 400 students and teachers from Chiba Eiwa High School in Japan visited UOG in November.
More...The University of Guam Press will launch Guam's latest legends publication, "CHamoru Legends: A Gathering of Stories" at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 14, at the Guam Museum.