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UOG Herbarium Research Associate Agnes Rinehart (left) and Curator Lynn Raulerson take a break after a morning of fieldwork in the forests of northern Rota, Mariana Islands.


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Oliver Sacks of the New York Botanic Garden and Lynn Raulerson talking ferns in Umatac, Guam. Oliver recounts their field experiences looking for Ophioglossum pendulum in his book Island of the Colorblind.


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Phil Moore, an important contributor to the UOG Herbarium and senior author of two books devoted to Guam's flora, Plants of Guamand Field and Garden Plants of Guam.


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The late Ray Fosberg on the island of Tinian examining one of his many namesakes, Emilia fosbergii. Ray was a Curator of Botany at the National Museum of Natural History and a long-time associate of the UOG Herbarium.


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Noted Pacific botanist Art Whistler of the Lyons Arboretum in Honolulu visits the UOG Herbarium.