Watershed studies using vetiver grass for controlling soil erosion
Monitoring chemical movement within the soil matrix
Bio-remediation of contaminated soils
B.S., Mechanized Agriculture, Oklahoma State University
M.S., Agricultural Education on Soil Sciences, University of Georgia
Ph.D., Soil Science, University of Georgia
Selected publications
Golabi, M.H., S. Manibusan, T. Righetti, D. Okano. 2018. Using vetiver grass technology
for mitigating sediment loads in the Talakhaya Watershed in Rota, CNMI. International
Soil and Water Conservation Research Journal 6: 194-201.
Guzman J. and M.H. Golabi. 2017. Agroecosystem net primary productivity and carbon
footing. Soil Health and Intensification of Agroecosystems. Edited by; Mahdi Al-Kaisi
and Birl Lowery. Academic Press, p. 215-229.
Farnoosh, M., A. A. Ghaemi, M.H. Golabi. 2016. Interaction effects of water salinity
and hydroponic growth medium on eggplant yield, water-use efficiency, and evapotranspiration.
International Soil and Water Conservation Research Journal 4: 99-107.
Golabi M.H., K. Johnson, T. Fujiwara, E. Ito. 2014. Transforming municipal waste into
a valuable soil conditioner through knowledge-based resource-recovery management.
International Journal of Waste Resources 4: 87-100.
Golabi, M. H., S.A. El-Swaify, C. Iyekar. 2014. Experiment of “no-tillage” farming
system on the volcanic soils of tropical islands of Micronesia. International Soil
and Water Conservation Research Journal 2: 30-38.