
Subject Matter Expert Directory
Note: Default Directory listing is displayed in alphabetical order, based on last name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
 Laurie J. Raymundo, Ph.D.

Director / Professor of Marine Biology

location Office Location: ML 101
Mailing Address: UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923


Coral — Ecology
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  • B.S., Zoology, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
  • M.S., Water Resources Management, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
  • Ph.D., Coral Ecology, Cornell University (N.Y.)


Conservation biology and diseases of coral


Héloïse Louise Rouzé, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Marine Microbiology

location Office Location: ML 103
Mailing Address: UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923
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  • Ph.D., Ecology and Molecular Biology, Ecole Pratiques des Hautes Etudes (France) and University of French Polynesia (French Polynesia)
  • M.S., Marine Ecology, University of Bordeaux (France)
  • B.S., Biology of Organisms and Populations, University of Brest (France)
 Tom Schils, Ph.D.

Professor of Marine Biology / Phycology

location Office Location: ML 108
Mailing Address: UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923
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  • B.S., University of Antwerp (Belgium)
  • M.S., Ph.D., Ghent University (Belgium)


Phycology & Tropical Reef Monitoring

  • Cryptic diversity of marine macroalgae in Micronesia
  • Invasive species risk assessments
  • Monitoring of benthic reef communities in Guam
  • Monitoring of oceanographic parameters
  • Microbial (endolithic algal) communities as part of the coral holobiont


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Research Assistant II

location Office Location: Marine Lab, Rm. 204 A
Mailing Address: UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923
Brett Taylor

Assistant Professor of Fisheries Ecology

location Office Location: ML 110
Mailing Address: UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923
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  • B.S., Marine Science/Biology, Coastal Carolina University (S.C.)
  • M.S., Biology, University of Guam
  • Ph.D., Marine Biology, James Cook University (Australia)


Tropical fish biology, fisheries ecology, biochronologies and climate change

ResearchGate Profile

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Research Assistant II

location Office Location: Marine Lab, Rm. 101
Mailing Address: UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923
Diego Vaz

Senior Research Associate (Vertebrate Morphology)

location Office Location: Dean Circle House 4
Mailing Address: UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923
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  • PhD, Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary (USA)
  • M.Sc., Zoology, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
  • B.Sc., Biology, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
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Research Assistant II

location Office Location: Marine Lab, Rm. 204 A
Mailing Address: UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam 96923
Displaying 21 - 28 of 28
