2023 Conference on Island Sustainability

2023 Conference on Island Sustainability

Conference “Ti ta nisisita ayudun sanhiyong para ta fan maolek guini

gi tåno-ta. Tåya’ ta’lo.” 

Satisfied with what our islands furnish us, we desire nothing else 

       -Chief Hurao 1671  


Islands are… 

Isolated? Limited? Vulnerable? 

This year, we swim beyond the scarcity of the shallows, and  dive deeper  

to rediscover our island abundance. 


Woven in priceless biodiversity, 

blanketed in lush vegetation,

islands are surrounded by fish wandering above rich minerals hidden below the sea floor. 


We will create our sustainable future together, through… 

Healthy and prosperous communities, 

educated and capable workforces, 

green homes, utilities, transportation, 

thriving natural resources, and 

innovation to solve our most pressing sustainability challenges. 


Islands are…  

Connected. Plentiful. Secure. 


Rediscover the Depths of Our Island Abundance 

at the 

14th University of Guam Conference on Island Sustainability 

April 11-15, 2023, Hyatt Regency Guam 

UOG President Dr. Thomas W. Krise and Guam Governor Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero return as co-chairs of the 14th UOG Conference on Island Sustainbility. Islanders and allies from around the world are invited to join the event to share progress, innovations, and strategies to collectively move toward a sustainable global future.

Collage of UOGCIS2022


Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Food Security, Energy Transitions, Climate Change, Human Society, Affordable Housing, Youth Empowerment, and more.


Keynote and Featured Speakers, Plenary and Breakout Sessions, Networking, Exhibitions and Site Visits


Have an idea for a presentation at CIS2023?  Submit your abstract here!