About the President

About the President

About the President

Anita Borja Enriquez

Anita Borja Enriquez, DBA

Bachelor of Science in Management, University of Maryland
Global Campus
Master of Business Administration, University of Guam
Doctor of Business Administration in International Business Administration (Marketing), Alliant International University



Anita Borja Enriquez is the 12th President of the University of Guam. 

An entrepreneur, former corporate planning and development manager, and management consultant, she is a staunch advocate for developing economies and building social mobility and local capacity among students and residents in small island communities.

Dr. Enriquez has demonstrated examples of visionary leadership and innovation as (former) UOG faculty and administrator. In her most recent role as Senior Vice President and Provost, she led the University's academic enterprise and spearheaded the effort in earning eight years of accreditation from the WASC Senior College and University Commission.

She launched the Professional MBA program. As School of Business and Public Administration Dean, she helped secure the $13+ million USDA loan for the J&ELG SBPA building, and consolidated all business majors and minors to heighten academic quality and save $400,000 annually. She secured over $1.6 million from U.S. Department of Commerce EDA to establish the UOG Pacific Center for Economic Initiatives, Defense Logistics Agency to establish the Guam Procurement Technical Assistance Center, U.S. Small Business Administration to establish the Guam Veterans Business Outreach Center, and Department of the Interior Office of Insular Affairs to launch the “Buy Local Guam” marketing educational campaign.

Recently, she supported the transformation of academic and research units, and led the increase of graduation rates from 27% to 41.2% within five years. She secured $2+ million USDOE grant to fund the Triton Advising Center and leveraged approximately $30 million in Higher American Rescue Plan Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund to support UOG’s pivot to remote instruction and work during the COVID-19 pandemic period, providing direct student relief funding and support for remote teaching, learning and operations.

She secured university partners and $600,000 scholarship support for Taiwan-based student and faculty exchanges under UOG’s Asia Pacific Studies Center, and donors to establish the Study Abroad at UOG Scholarship and Internship Program for Guam diaspora students. As Co-chair of the Island Wisdom Group, she founded the Inadahi yan Inagofli’e’ Council and Island Sustainability Committee which led to the launch of the Certificate in Traditional Seafaring and UOG’s canoe house.

Dr. Enriquez is Chair of the Guam Land Use Commission, President of Guampedia Foundation, Inc.’s Board, and member of PATA Micronesia and the Pacific Islands SBDC Advisory Board. She serves as Pacific Basin Commissioner for WASC Senior College and University Commission and member of the WICHE Western Academic Leadership Forum Executive Committee. She is Past President of the Rotary eClub of Pago Bay Guam, founding Vice President of the Guam Women’s Chamber of Commerce Board, and founding member of the Guam Museum Foundation Board.

Dr. Enriquez received awards as U.S. SBA 2013 Women in Business Champion, 2006 and 2012 UOG Administrator of the Year, 2011 Guam Community College Alumna of the Year, and Academy of Economics and Economic Education Distinguished Research Award.

She received her Doctor of Business Administration degree in International Business Administration (Marketing) from Alliant International University, Master of Business Administration degree from University of Guam, and Bachelor of Science degree in Management from University of Maryland, Global Campus.

She is married to Noel Enriquez and has three children, Vanessa, Nathan and Nicholas, and two beautiful granddaughters, Audrey and Sloane.