Upward Bound
The University of Guam Upward Bound Program is a 100% federally funded program that
aims to generate the skills and motivation necessary for college-bound low-income
or first-generation students to successfully complete high school and enroll into
UB is designed to help 103 high school students prepare for college enrollment immediately after graduation. Participants receive services at the University of Guam and selected public high schools (George Washington, John F. Kennedy, Okkodo, Simon A. Sanchez, Southern, and Tiyan). Private and Charter High School upon availability of space in program as approved by the U.S. Department of Education.
UB is a national college preparation program hosted by UOG. It is 100% federally funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (as amended). UOG's UB has annual funding of $478,486. It is also part of the TRiO Programs.
For more information please visit https://www.upwardboundgu.org/
Early Deadline 1st Priority for SY2022-23 Enrollment is October 28, 2022 Regular Deadline 2nd Priority for SY2022-23 Enrollment is December 16, 2022
Late Deadline 3rd Priority for SY2022-23 Enrollment is January 27, 2023
Summer Enrollment Deadline is May 19, 2023
For more information, see our brochure.
For inquiries or interested applicants, please stop by UOG Calvo Field House, Upward Bound Office or call (671) 735-1991/1992/(671) 929-7952. A map to our office can be found here. You may also email Rowena T. Andrade, Director of Upward Bound at rowenat@triton.uog.edu
Testimonials from Current and Former SSHS Students
Testimonials from Current and Former JFKHS Students
Testimonials from Current GWHS Students
Submit it to: Google Form: OR
Class of 2020, Testimonials
Mariano T. Mesngon, Ph.D., was selected as a National 2010 TRiO Achievers award recipient. He earned his biology degree from the University of Guam in 1997 and was helped through that process by the TRiO Upward Bound program at the institution. After earning his doctorate in cell molecular biology from the University of South Carolina in 2008, he was selected as the Deputy Chief, Analytical Toxicology and Division Chief, Medical Diagnostic and Chemical Branch of the U.S.
Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD).
Rowena T.Andrade, UB Director
Emai: rowenat@triton.uog.edu
Katleen San Nicolas, Administrative Support Assistant
Email: katleen..uogupwardbound@gmail.com
Bret Villena, IT & Social Media Specialist
Email: bretv.uogupwardbound@gmail.com
Merki Omae, Data Entry Clerk
Email: merkiomae.uogupwardbound@gmail.com
Loraina Aguon, Academic Assistant
Email: aguonl6182@triton.uog,edu
Venus Borja, Academic Assistant
Email: venusamborja@gmail.com
Jiliane Oliveros, Academic Assistant
Email: oliverosj@triton.uog.edu
Nadine Cruz/George Washington High School
Email: nccruz@gdoe.net
Dr. Billie-Jo Marzan/John F. Kennedy High School
Email: bmarzan@gdoe.net
Annie Palomares/ Okkodo High School
Email: awpalomares@gdoe.net
Ma.Blessa Ramos/ Simon Sanchez High School
Email: mbramos@gdoe.net
Edward K. Masiwemai/ Tiyan High School
Email: ekmasiwemai@gdoe.net
Website: https://www.upwardboundgu.org/
Instagram: @upwardboundguam
Youtube: ubguam
Facebook: @upwardboundguam