Division of Mathematics and Computer Science
Data science students analyze Guam health data and present findings at biomedical research conference
Computer science students engineer software for car rental agency
UOG sets the stage for STEM careers with high school Math Day
Nothing is Mpox-ible: Students delve into real-world problems using math
UOG launches new data science and library science master's programs
UOG alum becomes physician assistant and begins certification in life-saving surgeries
Summer REU teaches undergrads, high schoolers to solve real-world problems using math
Students gain exposure to new math concepts from visiting Boston professor
CNAS Math Day engages more than 100 teens
Math Day returns at UOG with a special visiting speaker
Preparation for Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences, also known as PIC Math, prepares mathematical sciences students for industrial careers by engaging them in research problems that come directly from the industry.
The PIC Math program aims to:
A strong component of PIC Math involves students working as a group on a semester-long undergraduate research problem from business, industry, or government. Undergraduate research is a high-impact teaching and learning practice and has been shown to improve students' abilities in:
All these traits and skills are valued by employers of STEM professionals. PIC Math will supply faculty with tools to offer students experiences designed to better prepare them for careers.