UOG standardizes names of 6 learning/teaching methods

UOG standardizes names of 6 learning/teaching methods

UOG standardizes names of 6 learning/teaching methods


UOG Instructor teaching in a class
A Face-to-face class in the Jesus and Eugenia Leon Guerrero School of Business and Public Administration is seen with the instructor using a digital board.

The University of Guam has standardized the names and classifications for six methods of learning. This standardization will help provide clarity and ease of selection and decision-making when the next registration period comes along. The six names will be used on the catalog for subsequent semesters:

  • Face to face (F2F): A class designated F2F meets on campus during scheduled class days and times. 

  • Hybrid (HYB): A HYB class will have both online classes and face-to-face classes. Example: A class may be scheduled M/W at 9:30 and meet on campus on Mondays at 9:30 am and connect asynchronously on Wednesdays on Moodle. The online classes may be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous delivery. 

  • HYflex (HYFLX): A Hybrid-Flexible class is designed for students to have the option of attending class in person (F2F) or remotely at the scheduled, synchronous course time (O-SYN). 

  • Online Asynchronous (O-ASY): An O-ASY class is a fully online class where students are not required to log into Moodle at a specified time or attend any live class lectures. Weekly or bi-weekly coursework deadlines are determined by the instructor and submitted to the Moodle classroom. 

  • Online Synchronous (O-SYN): An O-SYN class requires students to attend and participate in live lectures and class discussions through MS Teams, BigBlueButton, Zoom, or another live video conferencing tool linked in the Moodle classroom. 

  • Online Hybrid (O-HYB): An O-HYB class has both asynchronous and synchronous components. Example: A class may be scheduled MW and be structured asynchronously on Mondays and meet synchronously on Wednesdays at 9:30 am through MS Teams linked in the Moodle classroom.

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