Para Todu Hit (Sept. 25): OPINION Enriquez: Inside agricultural research at UOG

Para Todu Hit (Sept. 25): OPINION Enriquez: Inside agricultural research at UOG

Para Todu Hit (Sept. 25): OPINION Enriquez: Inside agricultural research at UOG


Photo of President Anita Borja Enriquez
Photo of President Anita Borja Enriquez

When you envision a Guam where the people and the land are thriving, you may see more home gardens — some maybe with an aquaponics system.

Perhaps you’d see fewer mangoes with stickers from Mexico or the Philippines and more that say “Grown on Guam.” Possibly at grocery stores or souvenir shops, you would find food products like breadfruit flour and turmeric powder, or medicinal products made from local plants.

Read more in the Pacific Daily News