The School of Education are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for The Micronesian Educator Volume 35, to be published in June 2025. We invite submissions from educators, scholars,
researchers, and practitioners in education and related fields for this upcoming issue,
which will explore a wide range of topics in education.
Submissions Due: February 15, 2025
Expected Publication Date: June 2025
The Micronesian Educator is a peer-reviewed journal that provides a platform for educators and researchers
to share knowledge and ideas that have direct application to educational practice
in Micronesia and the broader Pacific region.
For Volume 35, we welcome submissions on a broad range of educational themes, including
but not limited to:
- Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom: Exploring the integration of AI technologies into educational settings, and its
implications for teaching, learning, and student engagement.
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Addressing the role of local culture in curriculum development and instructional
practices, with particular emphasis on Pacific Islander students.
- Distance Learning and Its Long-Term Impact: Investigating the evolution of distance learning post-pandemic, with insights into
its effectiveness and challenges, especially in remote and island communities.
- STEM Education in Pacific Islands: Highlighting innovative approaches to STEM education, such as project-based learning
and community-centered STEM initiatives.
- Indigenous Educational Practices and History: Contributions that explore historical perspectives or the revitalization of indigenous
knowledge systems in modern education.
In addition to these key topics, submissions may include:
- Research Papers (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods)
- Essays on Theory and Philosophy of Education
- Position Papers and Opinion Essays
- Action Research (including faculty and graduate student projects)
- Creative Writing (poetry, fiction, and personal essays)
- Book Reviews
- Teaching Tips and innovative teaching practices
We are particularly interested in papers that address Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom, Digital Literacy, Innovative Teacher Leadership, and Sustainable Educational Practices as they apply to our region and beyond.
Basic Formatting Guidelines:
- Font: Calibri, 10pt
- Line spacing: Single, with an extra line between paragraphs
- Margins: 1" left and right
- Length: 4000–8000 words for research articles, action research, and essays; 1000–3000
words for other submission types
- Title Page: Include the author's name, title, institution, mailing address, phone
number, and email on the first page
- Avoid footnotes where possible
- References: Use APA format; ensure all sources are accurately cited in the text and
reference list
Submission Instructions:
Please submit your manuscript as a Word document by February 15, 2025, to one of the
For additional information or inquiries, please feel free to contact the editors.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and engaging with the rich, diverse
educational voices in our region.