Veterans Appreciation Week events scheduled

Veterans Appreciation Week events scheduled

Veterans Appreciation Week events scheduled


The University of Guam’s Enrollment Management and Student Success is hosting events honoring military veterans in the University of Guam Community:

Wednesday, Nov. 9:

Sponsored by Jamaican Grill, a panel of successful veterans will share a meal with students who are also veterans and share their insights on education and careers. This is an RSVP-only event with seating limited to 30. Email Arleen Artero,


Thursday, Nov. 10:

Dress in support of veterans
Show your support by sporting your favorite stars, stripes or camo outfit.


Monday, Nov. 14:

There will be a tribute to veterans on Monday, Nov. 14, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., UOG Calvo Field House


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Veterans Appreciation Week Flyer