TO: UOG Employees
FROM: Thomas W. Krise, President
SUBJECT: President’s Directive 2021-03: Guidelines for Remote Work and Flexible Work Schedule
The University of Guam remains fully open, and all classes, activities, and operations
should continue in accordance with our University Pandemic Plan and Procedures and
its Aug. 24 amendment.
Be advised that the governor’s recently released Executive Order No. 2021-21 (dated
Aug. 27, 2021) and DPHSS Guidance Memo No. 2021-21 (dated Aug. 28, 2021) mandate and
provide guidance on the following requirements:
- Suspended in-person instruction and activities for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade
All public and private schools serving pre-K through 12th grade will suspend in-person
instruction and activities, except to conduct activities that support distance learning,
such as curbside pick-up, delivery of materials and documents, and use of facilities
by students, faculty, and staff to facilitate distance learning.
- Limits on congregations and social gatherings
The number of persons in congregations and social gatherings is limited to no more
than 10 vaccinated persons indoors and 25 vaccinated persons outdoors. These limits
do not apply to UOG classrooms and labs. However, it does apply to events and activities
such as commencement, convocation, conferences, meetings for specific purposes, athletics,
and others.
The University must ensure student learning and success are prioritized and operations
continue uninterrupted, including administrative support services in accordance with
these requirements.
Guidelines for Remote Work
Many UOG employees may be impacted by the recent Executive Order and DPHSS Guidance
Memo. As such, employees should make alternative plans for the care of their children
while they are at work. If employees are not able to work due to childcare or other
non-work-related tasks, they should be on leave status or on an approved flex-time
During the pandemic, supervisors continue to have the authority to approve remote
work or flex-time work schedules by exception and will ensure faculty, staff, and
administrators are fulfilling their responsibilities for which they are receiving
Supervisors are also responsible for ensuring sufficient coverage of duties or cross-leveling
of responsibilities to avoid delays in customer service actions and operating processes.
Anyone experiencing a delay should report it to the appropriate supervisors for action.
BOR Resolution 20-14 established the following remote work and flexible work schedule
guidelines during the pandemic. Further guidance from the resolution is provided below:
- Remote Work Plans. Supervisors shall develop and implement Remote Work Plans for their employees that
permit them to effectively perform their job duties outside of UOG’s campus. Remote
Work Plans shall conform with applicable regulations, policies, and collective bargaining
agreements and shall give UOG employees the:
- Ability to meet deadlines.
- Ability to perform job duties.
- Ability to communicate effectively with students, customers, stakeholders, and other
team members.
- Ability to manage their work time effectively.
- Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance. All Remote Work Plans shall comply with UOG’s Americans with Disabilities Act Policy,
and supervisors shall work with UOG’s EEO/Title IX/ADA Office to develop reasonable
accommodations for UOG employees who may need to work remotely.
- Remote Work Plan Monitoring. Supervisors shall monitor their employees to ensure they are complying with the Remote
Work Plans and shall ensure their employees are:
- Following a work schedule that is equivalent to full-time status, which is a minimum
of 40 hours a week.
- Communicating with their supervisors and team members at least once per hour during
Remote Work hours only if requested by the supervisor, with responses to work requests
being made by the employee in at least a one-hour period from the work request being
made, during Remote Work hours only, via electronic means such as Zoom, Skype, email,
or telephone and the employees must perform their assigned tasks in a timely manner.
- Using a secured local area network or Wi-Fi network for performing their work duties.
- Available between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays exclusive of holidays and
weekends to perform their work duties, unless other Remote Work hours are approved
in advance by the supervisor.
- Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the employee’s supervisor
in advance.
- A UOG employee’s failure to adhere to these requirements may subject them to disciplinary
Questions concerning guidelines on personnel status can be referred to the Human Resources
Office by email at hro@triton.uog.edu or by phone at (671) 735-2350.