UOG Expertise: Recognize the value of soil

UOG Expertise: Recognize the value of soil

UOG Expertise: Recognize the value of soil


Photo courtesy of the Pacific Daily News
Photo courtesy of the Pacific Daily News

Letter: Recognize the value of 'soil'

By Mohammad Golabi for the Pacific Daily News

As you listen to the news and read the newspapers, you may realize that there are many conferences, seminars, group meetings and organizational gatherings talking about ‘sustainability’ and its many pillars. However, few deal with one of the most important aspects of it — which is the conservation of natural resources, particularly the soil which sustains the life on earth and is the source of our livelihood about which we know very little about. In fact, the ‘preservation’ of ‘soil’ is the key to the local and global long-term ‘sustainability’.

Read the full article in the Pacific Daily News (May 1, 2022)

Dr. Mogammad Golabi Mohammad Golabi is a professor of soil and environmental sciences at the UOG College of Natural and Applied Sciences. He may be reached at (671) 735-2134 or mgolabi@triton.uog.edu.