Announcement: Tritons, Take A Break! February 13-16, 2021
We are almost a month into the semester. The euphoria and excitement of a new term
— with all its exciting possibilities and new discoveries to be made — is waning as
those first sets of projects and exams are due. You have made it this far; you can
do it again!
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you to Take A Break, Tritons! In addition to Spring Break this semester, we are observing two breaks over long weekends. One will recognize Easter weekend and the other will recognize this coming President's Day weekend.
There are no classes on February 13-16. This also means that no assignments are due, no lab activities are to be scheduled, and no exams will be given.
I urge you to use this time wisely. If you are behind, get caught up with your assignments or study time. Take care of family or personal business. Rest, go to the beach or park, or do something fun, and do your best not to stress about staying on top of everything.
If you have projects or papers due on February 14 or 15, or exams, please use the break to study and stay on top of your coursework. This break is meant to give everyone a breather from Zoom or virtual instruction time and the monotony of your routines. However, it is not a vacation, and you should still engage in your learning.
We recognize that the stresses and difficulties in remote learning are different from coming to campus. These feelings may be compounded even more as you watch businesses re-opening, vaccines being distributed, and even people you know returning to offices and other school settings. Many of you are mentally ready to resume face-to-face classes, and we are all hopeful we can get back to normal soon.
On behalf of President Krise, your faculty leaders, and University administration, take this well-deserved break! Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact your respective academic Dean’s Office. Undeclared majors may contact Dr. Lawrence Camacho, Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Success at
Si Yu’os ma’åse’,
Anita Borja Enriquez, D.B.A.
Senior Vice President and Provost