Undergrads: Study coral reefs, gain research experience, and get paid!

Undergrads: Study coral reefs, gain research experience, and get paid!

Undergrads: Study coral reefs, gain research experience, and get paid!


Are you an undergraduate student interested in ensuring the sustainability of coral reefs and the marine environment? If you're self-motivated, well-organized, and trained in basic lab procedures and microscopy, Guam EPSCOR has a valuable student research experience for you -- and it's paid!

The Student Research Experience program, which will take place from January-December 2021, is designed to train undergraduates in scientific research specific to coral reef ecosystems. Selected students will benefit from research training, faculty mentorship, possible travel opportunities, and a stipend of $500 per month.

The program may involve hands-on fieldwork to investigate coral reefs or to deploy and retrieve oceanographic instruments as well as work in the UOG Marine Laboratory’s Molecular Lab. Students will learn about DNA extraction and sequencing and/or how to read and analyze data to characterize marine environments.

The program seeks to increase the number and diversity of students who choose careers in STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). All qualified students are encouraged to apply, in particular women, minorities, and students with disabilities.

The University of Guam and the Research Corporation of the University of Guam are equal-opportunity employers that have received National Science Foundation funding to broaden the participation of underrepresented students in STEM fields.

The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on Dec. 11, 2020, and accepted students will be notified by Dec. 18.

Requests for applications may be directed to Sho Hammond at hammonds@triton.uog.edu. For more information, visit www.guamespscor.uog.edu.

About Guam EPSCOR
The Guam EPSCOR program at the University of Guam is funded by a five-year, $20 million grant from the National Science Foundation. The program aims to develop Guam Ecosystems Collaboratorium for Corals & Oceans (GECCO) to ensure the sustainability of coral reef ecosystems in the face of environmental change. Guam EPSCoR aims to situate Guam as a premier research and STEM education hub bolstering sustainability, economic development, and informed decision-making by engaging communities in 21st-century science.
