Press Release: 30,000 surgical masks donated to Guam’s COVID-19 response effort

Press Release: 30,000 surgical masks donated to Guam’s COVID-19 response effort

Press Release: 30,000 surgical masks donated to Guam’s COVID-19 response effort


For more information, contact:
Jenei Aguon
University of Guam Endowment Foundation
Tel: (671) 735-2957

AIDS Care China, a community support group in Guangzhou, China, for people with HIV/AIDS, donated 30,000 surgical masks to the University of Guam Endowment Foundation for its Guam COVID-19 Response Project. Guam Memorial Hospital received 20,000 of the masks in September, Guam Behavioral and Wellness Center received 1,000, and 9,000 will support the work of the UOG School of Health and other front-line health care workers. 

“In these unprecedented times it is wonderful to see individuals band together and to have donors from both near and far helping the community of Guam. The UOG Endowment Foundation is grateful to AIDS Care China and its executive director, Thomas Cai, for their generous support,” said Katrina Perez, executive director of the UOG Endowment Foundation. 

The UOG Endowment Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Project is a coordinated effort among the foundation, the government of Guam, the University of Guam, and the University of California, San Francisco. 

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