UOG Announcement | Deadlines extended to apply for certain degree programs

UOG Announcement | Deadlines extended to apply for certain degree programs

UOG Announcement | Deadlines extended to apply for certain degree programs


Please be advised that several degree programs have extended their application deadlines in order to accommodate students who may have been delayed in applying due to the pandemic.

Extended program application deadlines are as follows:

Bachelor's Programs

  • Bachelor of Science in Social Work: Friday, May 15
  • Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education or Elementary Education: The deadline to apply for Fanuchånan (Aug.-Dec.) 2020 admission to the School of Education has passed. However, students who applied for admission into SOE this Fañomnåkan (Jan.-May) 2020 semester and did not include passing test scores for all three PRAXIS tests have until Oct. 15 to reapply and until Jan. 19, 2021, to take or retake and pass the PRAXIS Core tests.

Graduate Programs

*Priority deadlines are the date to ensure priority consideration into the program; however, applications will still be accepted after this date.

Please visit the appropriate Degree Program page for further information on applying to these and other programs.