Students: Learn data analysis at Computing4Change this November

Students: Learn data analysis at Computing4Change this November

Students: Learn data analysis at Computing4Change this November


University of Guam student Nilo Espinoza
University of Guam sophomore Nilo Espinoza at the Supercomputing18 conference in November in Texas.

Learn to address societal issues using mass data analysis tools and computational thinking at the third annual Computing4Change challenge happening within the Supercomputing 2020 conference from Nov. 15-20 in Atlanta. Applications are being accepted until May 17.

A group of 25 students from schools across the nation will be selected and contacted in July. Students from all disciplines and diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Learn More and Apply Here

Read about UOG students’ experiences

UOG students have participated in Computing4Change the past two years. Read about their experiences here:

Nilo Espinoza, Faith Bautista, Jeanie Nguyen, Regina-Mae Dominguez, and Patrick Santos
(From left) Students Nilo Espinoza, Faith Bautista, Jeanie Nguyen, Regina-Mae Dominguez, and Patrick Santos head into a theater to listen to lightning talks at the Supercomputing 2019 conference in November in Denver.