President Krise, Shelton serving on council for climate change preparedness

President Krise, Shelton serving on council for climate change preparedness

President Krise, Shelton serving on council for climate change preparedness


Shelton presents the CIS’s Guam Green Growth initiative at the C3PR meeting on Oct. 4
Shelton presents the Center for Island Sustainability’s Guam Green Growth initiative at the C3PR meeting on Oct. 4.

Sabina Perez shares an overview of the council’s mandates at the Guam Legislature
Sen. Sabina Perez, left, shares an overview of the council’s mandates and its first meeting on Oct. 4 at the Guam Legislature

President Thomas W. Krise and Center for Island Sustainability Executive Director Austin J. Shelton have begun work as part of the Guam Legislature’s Guam Council on Climate Change Preparedness and Resiliency (C3PR). Krise is serving as statutory vice chair, and Shelton is serving as a member.

The council held its first meeting on Oct. 4 under the chairmanship of Sen. Sabina Perez, chairwoman of the legislature’s Committee on Environment.

The council is a policy-recommending body in support of the government of Guam’s efforts to begin coordination and long-range planning efforts to mitigate adverse environmental and socioeconomic impacts of climate change.

They will work to create policy recommendations to the Guam Legislature on how the government of Guam can utilize its resources to:

  • prepare for and adapt to the impending impacts of climate change;
  • address Guam’s contribution to climate change from local and federal activities;
  • promote clean air and water and the use of renewable energy; and
  • address climate-induced migration, among other objectives.

The council is legislated to meet at least quarterly, and members have tentatively set the next meeting for November.