BankPacific CEO to speak on self-determination at MARC Seminar
The Richard Flores Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center at the University of Guam announces Philip J. Flores as the speaker for its 16th installment of the MARC Seminar Series. Flores serves as president and CEO of BankPacific and is also the grandson of the first CHamoru governor of Guam, Joseph Flores. The event, titled “Banking on Self-Determination,” will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 16, in the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Lecture Hall on the UOG campus.
“We want self-determination. Our choices are many and simultaneously few — at someone’s limited choosing,” Flores says. “With that being, how do we create the optimum, the most desired outcome of an ever-improving community, one where we foster robust creativity and reasons and opportunities and incentivize our family members to stay or come home and others to say, ‘Guam looks great. I want to be there’?”
Flores will bring his entrepreneurial mindset and experience to the conversation on self-determination and the future for Guamanians in 50 to 100 years.
The lecture is open to the public and free of charge.
The prerecorded lectures by Rlene “Live” Productions will be published on YouTube
and the Legislative Channels: GTA 21 and Docomo 117.
The MARC Seminar Series began in the 1970s as a way to promote the Micronesian Studies
Program and encourage interest in the people, culture, history, and language in this
region. MARC is considered a world-class research facility for social sciences and
humanities studies of the people of the Marianas and Micronesia. Visit MARC’s research
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