Dr. Ansito Walter to speak at 9th MARC Seminar Series
"Ekichu - Unity of Thoughts, Tipechu - Unity of Hearts, Angechu - Unity of Deeds, and Non Pungiro Fonu - Humility and Integrity" by Ansito Walter, PhD
The Richard Flores Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center (MARC) announces its next
installment of the MARC Seminar Series, featuring a lecture by Dr. Ansito Walter,
associate professor of public administration at UOG and former governor of Chuuk from
1997-2000. The lecture will be at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2018, at the CLASS
Lecture Hall with doors opening at 6 p.m.
The spirit of ekichu, tipechu, angechu, non pungiro fonu has played a significant role in the Chuukese people's ability to remain sustainable and resilient, to remain humble and respectiful in uncomfortable situations, to support and care wherever they live, and to put their future on hold for the love and care of other family members. This is the true spirit of the Chuukese people.
The lecture will focus on how the Chuukese people use and expand these core values as they adapt to their new and different environments and how these Chuukese core values are utilized as resources in the workplace, school settings, and the greater community.
The lecture is free of charge and open to the public.
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About the MARC Seminar Series
The MARC Seminar Series began in the 1970s as a way to promote the Micronesian Studies Program and encourage interest in the people, culture, history, and language in the region. MARC is considered a world-class research facility for social sciences and humanities studies of the people of the Marianas and Micronesia. Visit MARC's research library today and begin your Micronesian Studies exploration!
The lectures are held on a Tuesday every month. The recorded lectures are available to view on YouTube and the Legislative channels: GTA 21 and Docomo 117.