UOG Women's Soccer Signs Aiyana Shedd To 2018-19 Roster

UOG Women's Soccer Signs Aiyana Shedd To 2018-19 Roster

UOG Women's Soccer Signs Aiyana Shedd To 2018-19 Roster


Photo of Aiyana Shedd with UOG Women's Soccer Coach, Rod Hidalgo. Photo by UOG Athletic Director, Doug Palmer

Aiyana Shedd Returns To UOG Women's Soccer In 2018-19

The University of Guam Women's Soccer Team re-signed Aiyana Shedd to a UOG Athletic Letter of Intent and partial tuition scholarship to play for the Lady Tritons in 2018-19.

Aiyana, a 5'3" striker, who played for the Academy of Our Lady of Guam women's soccer team and helped the Cougars win two IIAAG Championships while a member of the team.

Shedd has scored two goals for the Lady Tritons during their Guam Football Association's Bud Light D2 League Championship seasons.

She was a finalist, 1st Runner-up in the Guam Miss World pageant in 2016.

The UOG Lady Triton Soccer Team is 15-3 after two years of competition and was the Guam Football Association's first two GFA D2 Champions. UOG will play in the GFA Women's Division I League in the fall of 2018.