UOG Strengthens Research with Creation of RCUOG
The creation of the Research Corporation of the University of Guam (RCUOG) is one of the great developments that has occurred at the University of Guam during
the past few years. The main purpose of this public corporation is to support the
research and external grant portfolio of the University by providing an efficient
environment that makes it easier to obtain and expend funds, hire employees, and report
on the success of research and service projects.
Currently RCUOG employs 111 individuals who are engaged in 80+ research projects that
address issues of importance in Guam and the region. Not bad for an organization that
launched in 2014.
UOG President Robert Underwood realized a few years ago that the existing processes
for hiring and purchasing needed to be streamlined. Under previous procedures, grant
timelines would sometimes elapse before researchers could purchase equipment and hire
assistants. Scientists were stymied and grant funds remained in federal coffers.
Today this is no longer the case. “Projects are completed on a timely basis, the
hiring process is streamlined, and we are able to secure and support more research
activity while complying with federal regulations and internal policies,” said Underwood.
RCUOG grew out of the University's examination of its administrative and academic
activities in the Good To Great (G2G) Initiative and the significant growth in grant
activity. UOG secured the cooperation of the Guam Legislature (P.L. 32-114) and the
Governor of Guam to support the creation of RCUOG. University executives also made
a commitment for RCUOG to be self-sufficient within five years.
“We are happy to report that at the end of this fiscal year (2018), the fourth year
of operation, RCUOG will be entirely self-sufficient,” said President Robert Underwood.
“Their ability to simplify, execute, and facilitate is amply rewarded through a fee
and indirect cost system from the external grants themselves.” RCUOG is governed by
its own Board of Directors as an autonomous public corporation within the University
of Guam. The five-member staff is led by Cathleen Moore-Linn, a long time administrator
at the University, along with experienced accountants Gloria Travis and Bobbie Molarte.
“RCUOG has moved the administration of research grants at UOG from good to great,”
said Dr. John Jenson, Director of Water and Environmental Research Institute of the
Western Pacific, who runs several major projects through the Research Corporation.
“RCUOG has encouraged innovation and a renewed vigor in the expansion of research
and grant-funded opportunities due to the efficiency, timeliness, and spirit of true
collaboration,” added Dr. Margaret Hattori-Uchima, Dean of the School of Health who
oversees several health-related projects.”
“I am proud to present the RCUOG FY 2017 Annual Report,” said Underwood. “In this
report, RCUOG managed over $12 million in federal, private, and non-profit funds.
RCUOG is a success story that has strengthened our research infrastructure and enabled
UOG to continue to grow our grants portfolio while engaging in research that is meaningful
to our island and our region.”
Report highlights, when compared to the prior year include: