UOG Welcomes Students to the First Official Fanuchånan Semester!
The University of Guam welcomes nearly 4,000 students to its first ever Fanuchånan semester. Beginning this academic year, the Fall and Spring semesters have been officially renamed Fanuchånan and Fañomnåkan respectively.
The Fanuchånan semester is from August to December. FANUCHÅNAN literally means “a place for rain” and represents the rainy season. Spring has been renamed FAÑOMNÅKAN, which means “a place for sunshine” and represents the dry season. The semester runs from January to May.
Spearheaded by UOG President Robert Underwood, the change reflects the island’s tropical environment.
“UOG is unique in that we are the only U.S. accredited institution of higher education dedicated to serving Guam and the Micronesian region,” said Underwood. “The CHamoru spirit and heritage of Unibetsedåt Guåhan is also unique, and as a way to share this uniqueness with the world, our semesters have been renamed in the CHamoru language.”
The Fall Intersession has been renamed TINALO´ which means “in the middle.” Summer Sessions A, B, C are now FINAKPO´ 1, 2, 3, which means “at the end.”
Transalation |
a place for rain |
in the middle |
a place for sunshine |
at the end |
Month Range |
August to December |
December to January |
January to May |
May to August |
Formerly known as |
Fall Session |
Fall Intersession |
Spring Session |
Summer Sessions |