UOG Introduces New SGA Officers
Incoming University of Guam Student Government Association 56th officers were sworn
into their new positions on August 11. Outgoing president Samantha David thanked UOG
President Dr. Robert Underwood and UOG Senior Vice President Dr. Anita Borja Enriquez
for their support over the last year, and incoming president Annie Camacho said she
looked forward to the upcoming year and all that is to come.
Back row left to right: University of Guam Student Government Association (SGA) senator
Tihu Lujan, UOG Senior Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Anita Borja
Enriquez, UOG President Dr. Robert Underwood, UOG SGA senatorJoseph Quan, UOG SGA senator Donovan Balmeo, outgoing SGA president Samantha David. Front row left to right: SGA
Vice President Christian Punzalan, incoming SGA president Annie Fay Camacho, AGA secretary Mae Ann Picayo, and SGA senator Brian Murray.