UOG President Underwood Hosts Book Launch Ceremony for Marine Author Dec. 6

UOG President Underwood Hosts Book Launch Ceremony for Marine Author Dec. 6

UOG President Underwood Hosts Book Launch Ceremony for Marine Author Dec. 6


University of GuamUniversity of Guam President Dr. Robert Underwood is hosting a book launch ceremony for Major Ralph Stoney Bates, Sr., USMC (Ret.) for his recently published book An American Shame: The Abandonment of an Entire American Population.

The event will be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. in the IT&E Lecture Hall located in the Jesus and Eugenia Leon Guerrero Business and Public Administration Building.  Mr. Bates will share a few remarks and have his book available for purchase and signature.

Bates spent several weeks in Guam researching the war time events involving the Chamorro people. The book recounts the experiences of several individuals written in conversational form.

Bates maintains that the U.S. "abandoned" the people of Guam to the Japanese Occupation, but the people remained loyal to the U.S. and were resourceful in their resistance.

Underwood states, "At this time of the year when we remember the initial attack on Guam during World War II on December 8 and the impending passage of war reparations in Congress, it is important to remember the experiences of our people."

Bates has authored two other publications on the experiences of Marines in difficult times, Short Rations for Marines and A Marine Called Gabe both published in 2013.


About the Author
Ralph Stoney Bates Sr. is a retired 26-year veteran of the regular, active, United States Marine Corps and is a combat veteran of the Vietnam War. He is a retired law enforcement officer. In addition to writing, Ralph teaches military and naval subjects at Furman University's Life Long Learning (OLLI) program. He and his wife, Lyn, live in Taylors, South Carolina.