UOG MPA Program Conducting Survey on Corruption for Guam and FSM
The University of Guam School of Business & Public Administration (SBPA) Master in
Public Administration (MPA) Program invites the island community to participate in
surveys aimed at measuring residents’ perception of corruption and government regulations
on Guam and in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM).
Each of the two surveys consists of corruption-related questions patterned after Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer survey and also contains government regulation-related questions and demographic questions designed to obtain a profile of the survey respondent.
Transparency International is a non-governmental organization that monitors and publicizes corporate and political corruption. Its Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) survey gathers government corruption data on the U.S. and over 100 other countries. However, no such data currently exists for Guam or the FSM.
“Because we have no data on corruption and government regulations, we have been unable to compare Guam or the FSM with other economies on these issues,” said Dr. Maria Claret Ruane, UOG Professor of Economics. “We hope the survey results will allow the island community to put these important issues in proper perspective and quantify some resident views on these issues. We want our community to engage in a reflective and productive dialogue on how to improve upon our current situation, whatever it might be.”
Survey participants must be at least 18 years old and currently residing on Guam or the FSM. Participation in either survey is completely voluntary and answers will be kept confidential and anonymous.
The surveys are available online at: http://www.uog.edu/sbpa/mpa-survey. Participants can also visit the UOG SBPA Dean’s Office to fill out a printed survey.
For more information, contact any of the project researchers, Dr. John J. Rivera at jrivera@triton.uog.edu; Dr. Maria Claret Ruane at ruanem@triton.uog.edu; Dr. Ansito Walter at ansitowalter@gmail.com; or the UOG SBPA Dean Dr. Annette Taijeron Santos at atsantos@triton.uog.edu.