UOG, GCC and FESTPAC Host Decolonization Discussion Series

UOG, GCC and FESTPAC Host Decolonization Discussion Series

UOG, GCC and FESTPAC Host Decolonization Discussion Series


Decolonization Discussion Series

Sponsored by the Festival of Pacific Arts Workshops Committee, GCC, and UOG
Panel Discussion 1:   “Statehood and Integration in the 21st Century Pacific:  Realities, Advantages, Struggles, and Lessons Learned”

May 24, 6PM, CLASS Lecture Hall, University of Guam

Description:  This panel discussion presents an examination of the political status option of statehood and integration into an independent state.  As Guahan prepares for its exercise of the right to self-determination, a deeper look into statehood’s realities, advantages, struggles, and lessons learned will be explored. In addition, the critical question of statehood’s impact on cultural survival and indigenous nation building will be discussed.  

Panelists:  Former Senator Edward Duenas (Chairperson, Guam Statehood Task Force), Dr. Ron McNinch (Professor, University of Guam), Attorney Melody Mackenzie (Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law, Hawai’i), and Dr. Carlyle Corbin (International Advisor on Governance and Decolonization Expert, US Virgin Islands)

Moderator: Professor J. Peter Roberto


Panel Discussion 2: “Case Examples of Free-Association in the 21st Century Pacific: Realities, Advantages, Struggles, and Lessons Learned”

May 26, 6PM, CLASS Lecture Hall, University of Guam

Description: This panel discussion presents an examination of the political status option of being freely associated with an independent state.  As Guahan prepares for its exercise of the right to self-determination, a deeper look into free association’s realities, advantages, struggles, and lessons learned will be explored. In addition, the critical question of free association’s impact on cultural survival and indigenous nation building will be discussed.  

Panelists:  Mr. Joe Garrido (Chairperson of the Guam Free Association Task Force), Attorney Roman Bador (Republic of Belau), Attorney Mark Short (Cook Islands), and Dr. Carlyle Corbin (International Advisor on Governance and Decolonization Expert, US Virgin Islands)

Moderator: Ms. Deeann Choffat


Panel Discussion 3: “Case Examples of Political Independence in the 21st Century Pacific: Realities, Advantages, Struggles, and Lessons Learned”

May 31, 6PM, CLASS Lecture Hall, University of Guam

Description: This panel discussion presents an examination of the political status option of becoming a sovereign, independent state.  As Guahan prepares for its exercise of the right to self-determination, a deeper look into political independence’s realities, advantages, struggles, and lessons learned will be explored. In addition, the critical question of independence’s impact on cultural survival and indigenous nation building will be discussed.  

Panelists: Ms. Victoria-Lola Leon Guerrero (Co-chair, Guam Independence Task Force), Mr. Matiu Matavai (Samoa), Consulate General Marciano R. De Borja (Philippines Consulate Office, Guam), Dr. Carlyle Corbin (International Advisor on Governance and Decolonization) 

Moderator: Mr. Raymond Lujan


Panel Discussion 4: “ Independence,Free-Association, and Statehood:  Implications of Status Options for Guahan”

June 2nd, 6PM, CLASS Lecture Hall, University of Guam

Description: This panel discussion presents an examination of the three political status options of statehood or integration; free-association with an independent state; and becoming a sovereign, independent state.  As Guahan prepares for its exercise of the right to self-determination, a deeper look into the advantages and struggles of each of these options will be explored. In addition, the critical question of the status options’ impact on cultural survival and indigenous nation building will be discussed. 

Panelists:  Former Senator Edward Duenas (Chairperson, Guam Statehood Task Force), Mr. Joe Garrido (Chairperson, Guam Free Association Task Force), Ms. Victoria-Lola Leon Guerrero (Co-chair, Independence Task Force), and Dr. Carlyle Corbin (International Advisor on Governance and Decolonization Expert, US Virgin Islands) 

Moderator: Drs. Lisa Marie Baza and LisaLinda Natividad


For more information and media interviews contact Dr. LisaLinda Natividad at lisanati@yahoo.com