SHRM Members Share Conference Experience
Five of 10 students who attended the Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM)
Annual Conference and Exposition in June gave a presentation of their experience to
their peers on Nov. 18.
“It adds more to my knowledge of Human Resources as an HR major,” said senior A-Ichea
Yamada studying human resources and finance and economics who presented that day.
“You get to see what you learn in the books being applied in real life and meet other
students and professionals.”
Including Yamada, Hannah Mortera, Jonah Guiking, Mark Canovas and Rachel Bongato
also presented what they learned at the conference held in Las Vegas over the summer.
Dr. Richard Colfax, the SHRM faculty advisor, said it’s always exciting when students
return from the conference and continue their excitement for learning more about human
resources and sharing their knowledge with their peers.
“They come back really enthusiastic about HR, about their studies and going out and
getting into the workplace,” he said.
This year, the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) has nationally recognized
the University of Guam SHRM Student Chapter as an "Outstanding Student Chapter" for
the second straight year. This is the third time UOG students have received this award.
This distinction is the highest honor awarded by SHRM to student chapters, which have
developed and implemented innovative projects that cater to the professional development
needs of its members and that assist in the transition from college to career.
The UOG SHRM Student Chapter received the award at the conference. Students who attended
the conference this year were Bridgette Almario (Vice President-elect), Rachel Bongato
(Secretary-elect), Yukari Buccat (President-elect), Mark Canovas, Jonah Guiking, Audre
McAuslen (former president), Hannah Mortera (former president), Calvin Vy (former
PRO), Di Xiong (former vice president), and A-Ichea Yamada.