School of Education Celebrates Graduating Students

School of Education Celebrates Graduating Students

School of Education Celebrates Graduating Students


University of Guam

For the Fall 2015 Semester, the School of Education (SOE) will graduate 28 undergraduate students and 39 graduate students, with its largest group of 16 students set to receive a Master of Education in Reading. All 67 students were honored at the SOE Convocation Ceremony on December 5 at the Pacific Star Hotel and Spa.

Eleven students received an award for exemplary performance on their Praxis Tests, which is required for teacher certification in Guam and most states. From left to right: Christine Gomez, Master of Education in Reading major; Dianne Tormon-West, Master of Arts in Teaching major; Anna Calvo, Master of Arts in Teaching major; Jasmin Pieper, Physical Education and School Health (PK-12) major, Tristine Taimanglo, Secondary Education and Consumer and Family Science major, Maria Luisa Paulino, Mathematics and Secondary Education major; and Angela Meg Burce, Secondary Education and English with Literature Emphasis major. Not pictured are Neri Blas, Secondary Education and Social Studies major; Trini MacDuff, Mathematics and Secondary Education major; Marie Gorman, Master of Arts in Teaching major, and Marianne Pineda, Mathematics and Secondary Education major.