President Underwood Responds to Governor Calvo on UOG Financial Crisis
In a letter to Governor Calvo, University of Guam President Underwood responded to
claims made by the Governor during a live radio interview that UOG "manufactured"
a financial crisis. The Governor claimed the problem was invented to allow a senator
to appear as a "knight in shining armor" to save the day.
Underwood responded: “Your claim is inaccurate and weaves a conspiracy that is without
evidence. It is beneath the dignity of any public official to suggest conspiracies
on serious matters.
“In reality, I worked hard with the Lt. Governor (a UOG alumnus) and the Director
of the Department of Administration (DOA) to facilitate a payment schedule in order
to facilitate a solution to our financial situation. I thank them and commend them
for their efforts.”
Two documents were included with the letter that show a budget shortfall of $20M
in late August—an unpaid amount that was over 50% of the total FY16 budget and an
updated amount of $13.9M in early October.
“Not many institutions or organizations would have been able to survive such a shortfall,”
Underwood stated. “The delay of payments strained the University to a point that affected
daily operations, including meeting payroll and UOG’s ability to distribute local
financial aid to its students at the beginning of the Fall 2016 semester.”
He mentioned that UOG survived by “instituting financial controls on purchasing,
capital improvement, and hiring and by depleting cash reserve accounts that are meant
for times like these. Throughout the year, we met with DOA several times to discuss
payment plans and later, met with them again to make adjustments to those plans when
the payments did not arrive as scheduled.”
Underwood ended the letter by stating the importance of recognizing that “accrediting
agencies monitor statements by public officials that speak to institutional credibility.
“This is why I need to formally correct any misunderstanding or misinformation about
our financial situation.”
Read President Underwood's Letter
Download FY2016 Allotment August Report
Download FY2016 Allotment October Report