Political Science Students Inducted into Honor Society
Robertson Albert, left, from the Federated States of Micronesia and LeeAna Acfalle from Guam were inducted into Pi Sigma Alpha, the U.S. national honor society for students of political science and government, on May 22 at the CLASS Lecture Hall as part of the CLASS ceremony acknowledging student achievement in several areas. Not pictured is Marlyn Viti, also from the Federated States of Micronesia, who was also inducted into Pi Sigma Alpha.
To qualify for Pi Sigma Alpha, eligible students must achieve a 3.0 grade point average in political science courses and rank in the top third of their university in general academic performance. Founded in 1920, Pi Sigma Alpha now has 740 chapters at colleges and universities throughout the 50 States. The University of Guam’s Pi Sigma Alpha chapter—the only chapter in an insular territory of the United States—began in 1996 and includes an impressive number of attorneys, college faculty, and government officials on Guam, Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, and the United States.
For more information, please contact Dr. Michael Stoil, Associate Professor of Political Science and Micronesian Studies, and faculty advisor of the Guam chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, at mstoil@uguam.uog.edu .