Pacific Asia Inquiry Calls for Submissions
The editorial board of the Pacific Asia Inquiry invites submissions of linguistics-focused
articles, critical essays, and case studies (both applied and theoretical) specific
to the Pacific Islands and Asia regions for possible publication in Volume 8. Submissions
from across the liberal arts and social sciences are also welcome. The Pacific Asia
Inquiry is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal published online by the University
of Guam College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. It features in-depth studies
on the Pacific and adjacent Asia, particularly including the Mariana Islands and greater
Micronesia. Contributors are invited not only to share their innovative research but
also to challenge extant positions and perspectives. Any theoretical or methodological
approach may be employed so long as it is documented in a readable style of writing
that is accessible to specialists and non-specialists alike. The deadline for submissions is July 15, 2017.
Include the following as three separate files:
1) a cover page, which includes authors’ names, titles, affiliations, and addresses,
including street and e-mail addresses;
2) a title page, which includes the title of the article and an abstract of the paper
(the abstract should be no more than 150 words); and
3) the main text, including photos, tables, figures, media, and references.
Our blind peer-review process requires that authors’ names and addresses appear only
on the cover page. No identifying information may appear in the abstract or text itself.
Relevant publications, including those written by the authors, may appear in the reference
section as long as nothing is said to connect the reference with the authors.
Submissions should not exceed 10,000 words, including tables and references. Please
follow the conventions of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
(6th ed., 2009), or the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (7th ed.,
2009). Indent the first word of a paragraph by half an inch or five spaces (one “tab”),
and number all pages consecutively, putting numbers in the lower right-hand corner.
Figures, tables, and photos should be inserted into manuscript at the time of initial
submittal, and they need to be appropriately titled, sourced, and numbered consecutively.
Endnotes should be used and references should appear at the end of the paper. Do not
insert automatic formatting anywhere in the manuscript. Additional guidelines apply.
Please visit arts-and-social-sciences/publications/pacific-asia-inquiry-4
for full guidelines and for access to previous volumes of Pacific Asia Inquiry, which
may be used as a general reference. Please be advised that this is a venue for scholarly
essays. Fiction and poetry submissions will not be entertained.
Forward inquiries and submissions electronically to:
Dr. Avizia Long, Co-Editor