Ordot-Chalan Pago Elementary School Launches “Fit Fridays”
The University of Guam College of Natural and Applied Sciences in collaboration with Department of Public Health & Social Services and Ordot-Chalan
Pago Elementary School (OCPES) announce the beginning of “Fit Fridays” in February.
The students, faculty, and staff of Ordot-Chalan Pago Elementary School (OCPES) will
start full implementation of “Fit Fridays,” a weekly activity to encourage and promote
regular physical activity both in and out of the classroom.
The weekly events, championed by OCPES Principal Tricia Moylan and School Nurse Leah Landstrom, raise awareness of the need to incorporate regular healthy habits in alignment with 5-2-1-Almost None, a campaign supported by a partnership between the University of Guam, College of Natural and Applied Sciences and the Department of Public Health & Social Services through a program called SNAP-Ed. The 5-2-1-Almost None campaign aims to help children stay healthy by promoting clear and consistent messages regarding physical activity and healthy eating: 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, 2 hours or less of screen time (television, computer, video games) per day, 1 hour of physical activity per day, and almost no sugary drinks.
The school signed their 5-2-1-Almost None pledge with the SNAP-Ed Program in December of 2016, committing to be a leader and champion of healthy eating and active living in the Ordot-Chalan Pago community, one of five select 5-2-1-Almost None pilot villages.
OCPES is set to roll out the first of many “Fit Fridays” on Friday, February 3, 2017 at the Ordot campus. Students, teachers, and staff will kick-off the event with a school-wide mixed fitness session from 2:00pm to 2:30pm. Parents and families of OCPES students are invited to attend.
For more information please contact OCPES Principal Tricia Moylan or School Nurse Leah Landstrom at (671) 477-9645 or email at tbmoylan@gdoe.net or lhlandstrom@gdoe.net.
For additional information, please visit these websites:
Guam SNAP-Ed: www.cnas-re.uog.edu/snap-ed/
5-2-1-Almost None Campaign: www.521almostnone.com
About SNAP-Ed