CLASS Colloquium Series Call for Papers

CLASS Colloquium Series Call for Papers

CLASS Colloquium Series Call for Papers


Scholars are invited to present to the University of Guam community through the 2015-2016 Colloquium Series, sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. 

All disciplines are welcome.

Faculty members, students and community members wishing to bolster the research component of their portfolio or to “test-drive” a paper presentation before a home-town audience are especially encouraged to present in the colloquium series.  Creative people are encouraged to consider workshop-style presentations. This year we especially invite presentations regarding the best practices for enhancing both the learning and the teaching experience in the classroom, laboratory or beyond the room. 

Presentations should be no more than 90 minutes in length, with time allowed for discussion, questions and answers. Presenters should also work to obtain an audience for their presentation.

Submission Procedure

Please include the following:  your name, title and affiliation, contact information (phone and email), an abstract of the presentation, not to exceed 500 words, and the preferred day and time of the presentation. Typically presentations are scheduled for a Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Professional Development room, HSS 3rd floor. Other arrangements may be made.

Please also include requests for special media equipment, such as projectors, speakers, cd/dvd players, microphone, et cetera.

Applicants will be contacted by the Dean’s Office to finalize presentation dates and times.  If you have a strong preference, please also indicate those needs in your submission.

Inquiries and Submissions can be forwarded in .doc or .docx format (MS Word) to: Acting Associate Dean Sharleen Santos-Bamba at or (671) 735-2854.