CIS Conference Opens; Climate Change Impacts and Coral Reef Issues Highlighted

CIS Conference Opens; Climate Change Impacts and Coral Reef Issues Highlighted

CIS Conference Opens; Climate Change Impacts and Coral Reef Issues Highlighted


The University of Guam opened the 6th Regional Island Sustainability Conference at the Hyatt Regency Guam today.

Nobel Prize winner and keynote speaker Dr. Virginia Burkett shared scientific information about the changing climate. She highlighted information from multiple studies, including the report that was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2007. Burkett said the changes in the climate would have different impacts for different islands. Some may see drought while others stronger typhoons. Overall, these changes can lead to a loss of livelihoods, settlements, ecosystems and economic stability. 

Burkett said increasing resilience and sustainability of coastal systems is necessary. She also commended educators and students in the audience. 

"If I had my last dollar to spend, it would be in searching for the truth and in education," she told the conference. "I stand here today because of a marine biology teacher I had in 11th grade."

Charles Birkeland, UOG Professor Emeritus and former director of the UOG Marine Lab, discussed some of the changes in the past 30 years to fish and coral communities.  He highlighted examples from islands including Palau, that protect species like sharks to increase their revenue from tourism. He also outlined the importance of every plant and animal living in a coral reef. 

Birkeland gave suggestions for successfully managing fisheries and coral reef resources. He encouraged harvesting fish that are medium sized. Big fish produce more eggs and healthier eggs. Little fish are growing quickly, he said. 

The conference continues tomorrow at 8 a.m.

For more information about Burkett, Birkeland or any of the other speakers at the conference, download the conference book at

For more information about the scholarship contact Carlos Taitano or Russell Ocampo, Professional and International Programs, at (671) 735-2600 or email


University of Guam

Panel members discussing impacts Guam may see in the future due to a changing climate during the 2015 Center for Island Sustainability Conference at the Hyatt Regency Guam. Panelists (left to right) Victoria Keener, Ph.D., Bob Shambach, Dr. Yuming Wen, Dr. Stephen B. Gingerich and Sheena Black (moderator) presented on various issues including water, communicating scientific information and pollution. 


University of Guam

Dr. Charles Birkeland, UOG professor emeritus and former director of the UOG Marine Lab, presents about changes to fisheries and coral reefs in the Paicifc. His presentation was one of the first of the 6th Regional Island Sustainability Conference hosted by UOG. The conference continues through  Thursday .