ATTENTION STUDENTS: Travel to Costa Rica for Research!

ATTENTION STUDENTS: Travel to Costa Rica for Research!

ATTENTION STUDENTS: Travel to Costa Rica for Research!



Travel to Costa Rica for Research with NAPIRE

Every summer for the past six years, the University of Guam has sent students to Costa Rica as part of the Native American and Pacific Islander Research Experience (NAPIRE). With the application deadline of January 31, 2017 fast approaching, all Tritons are encouraged to apply.

The NAPIRE program immerses students in eight weeks of intense ecological research and cultural exchange. Under the guidance of a research mentor, students design and carry out an original scientific research project in Costa Rica’s tropical rain forest.

The NAPIRE program is based at the Las Cruces Biological Station near the border between Panama and Costa Rica. Students selected for the NAPIRE program receive an all-expenses-paid summer internship. This includes a round-trip ticket to Costa Rica, food and lodging for the entire stay, and a generous stipend of $4000 for the summer.

University of Guam





Program Dates: June 7 to August 9, 2017

Application Deadline: January 31, 2017