UOG Women's Soccer Drops Futsal Match 11-3 To BOG Strykers

UOG Women's Soccer Drops Futsal Match 11-3 To BOG Strykers

UOG Women's Soccer Drops Futsal Match 11-3 To BOG Strykers

University of Guam

Shaeina Torres in action against BOG Strykers Sunday at the Guam Sports Complex Gym

The University of Guam Women's Soccer Team was beaten 11-3 on Sunday afternoon at the Guam Sports Complex Gym in Dededo to the Bank of Guam Strykers while the UOG Men’s Soccer Team forfeited to Quality Distributors on Saturday night at the Guam Football Association National Training Center in the Landshark Beach Soccer League with only 2 players making the match.

In the women’s match, UOG found themselves down 3-0 early in the match as the Strykers spread the court with good spacing and UOG struggled to cover the open Strykers. BOG scored 3 more goals before half while UOG was able to break into the scoring column before half-time.

The 2nd half was the same story, as BOG was able to add 5 more goals and UOG scored twice, but the Tritons were never able to make the game close.

The UOG Women’s Team is 1-2 on the GFA Futsal season and play Familia FC next Sunday at 2:00 p.m. at the Guam Sports Complex Gym.

The UOG Men’s Team is 0-2 in the Beach League and play the Crushers FC on Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. at the GFA National Training Center.