UOG Students Donate to Alee Shelter

UOG Students Donate to Alee Shelter

UOG Students Donate to Alee Shelter


University of Guam

The UOG American Association of University Women (AAUW) chapter donated $650.00 to the Alee Women’s Shelter on April 27, 2017. The Alee Women’s Shelter is an emergency receiving home for children who are victims of abuse or neglect.

From left to right: AAUW Secretary Aubriana Perez, AAUW Treasurer Ria Camacho, AAUW President Ana Capati, University of Guam Senior Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Anita Borja Enrqiez, Alee Women’s Shelter Representative Yoni Towai, UOG AAUW Student Chapter Faculty Advisor Dr. Laura Biggs, AAUW Vice President Althea Tapales, AAUW member Serena Cruz, AAUW member Catherine Capati, and AAUW member Tonirose Yanit.