UOG Sea Grant and Department of Agriculture Host Kids' Freshwater Fishing Derby on April 8 at Masso

UOG Sea Grant and Department of Agriculture Host Kids' Freshwater Fishing Derby on April 8 at Masso

UOG Sea Grant and Department of Agriculture Host Kids' Freshwater Fishing Derby on April 8 at Masso


University of Guam Sea Grant (UOGSG) and the Department of Agriculture’s Division of Aquatics and Wildlife Resources (DAWR) will host the Kids’ Freshwater Fishing Derby in observance of Earth Month. The derby is on Saturday, April 8th at Masso Reservoir in Piti from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Registration is free and held on site. Parking is available outside the Veterans’ Cemetery, which is a 5-minute walk to the reservoir.University of Guam

Kids 5-16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and provide their own fishing gear (hook and line). Participants will learn more about Guam's freshwater fish species, all while testing their fishing skills! Fishers and non-fishers alike can also take guided educational walks around the reservoir to learn about ridge-to-reef impacts, the watershed, native trees, and the native Marianas Moorhen.

DAWR Biologist Brent Tibbatts encourages new fishers. “Masso Reservoir is an easy and safe place for kids to learn proper fishing techniques, and to learn about Guam’s freshwater habitats and the species that live there.”

Cody Dowless, UOGSG Intern and assistant coordinator, is also excited about the Earth Month activity. “Fishing is something for people of all ages, from all walks of life and backgrounds. To promote this activity for our kids while at the same time educating them about native species and environmental issues is really awesome.”

Officials will award prizes for the longest fish. Participants should wear close-toed shoes, a hat, sunglasses and sun block to avoid the elements while fishing or walking. Participants should also note there is no available restroom on site.

DAWR has headed similar events during Earth Month in previous years. Freshwater kids’ fishing derbies have been annual events since 2013, while saltwater kids’ fishing derbies at Asan War in the Pacific Park go back to 1990. This year’s derby is the fifth freshwater derby.

For more information about the Kids’ Freshwater Fishing Derby contact Marie Auyong at (671) 685-4355 (auyongm@triton.uog.edu) or Brent Tibbatts at (671) 735-0289 / 0281 / 0294 (brent.tibbatts@gmail.com).

The National Sea Grant College Program is a partnership between universities and the Federal Government’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). To learn more about University of Guam Sea Grant, see www.cnas-re.uog.edu.