UOG Men's Soccer Win Streak Broken With 3-1 Loss To Bobcat Rovers

UOG Men's Soccer Win Streak Broken With 3-1 Loss To Bobcat Rovers

UOG Men's Soccer Win Streak Broken With 3-1 Loss To Bobcat Rovers


University of Guam

The University of Guam Men's Soccer Team had their 8 match win streak broken on Wednesday night at the Guam Football Association National Training Center as they lost to the Bobcat Rovers 3-1 in a GFA Men's League (Division II) match.

It looked like UOG was heading to their 9th win in a row early, as Jacques Diambra scored at the 3 minute mark on a break away goal. At the 18 minute mark, Diambra was set to put UOG up 2-0 on a penalty kick as he had been taken down in the box but the Bobcat goal keeper was able to deflect the PK away.

But UOG did go into half-time leading 1-0 and for the most part, had kept the Bobcat Rovers from threatening on the offensive end. UOG played solid defense for the first 30 minutes of the 2nd half, but then the Bobcat Rovers offense started to build pressure as UOG seemed tired and worn down in the late stages of the match as the Tritons lacked any reserves on the night (only 12 players) and had trouble getting the ball out of their box with bad passes, no clearing kicks and having the ball taken away by Bobcat Rover players.

The Bobcat Rovers then broke through and scored to tie the match at 1-1. 5 minutes later they scored again, making it 2-1 and then 5 minutes later, going up 3-1 and literally taking what life was left in the UOG squad out. The Tritons just could not keep the ball out of the box area and the Bobcat Rovers had point blank shots upon goal.

UOG did try to come back, but missed another penalty kick and the match ended 3-1. The Bobcat Rovers now have swept the Tritons in both matches this season, winning both games 3-1.

UOG is now 13-5-0 while the Bobcat Rovers are 11-2-5. UOG is either in 1st or 2nd place, depending on how the Rovers FC did against the Crushers. A Rovers victory would put them in first place with 40 points, as UOG has 39 points and the Bobcat Rovers now have 38 points. A Rovers defeat or tie would keep UOG in first place.

UOG faces the Rovers FC on April 7 at 7:00 p.m.